Exercises to target belly fat loss



  • I noticed a difference when I did a reverse crunch. (I think that's what it's called) I learned of it from Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.


    Thank you Google!!!
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    while you're correct, there is no way to spot-reduce, there are a few excercises that you can do that work the area - that way, once your dieting has lost the fat, you're left with lovely muscles ;)

    first though, a big DON'T: don't do only belly excercises, you'll end up lopsided and chunky.

    Personally, I like varying the excercises every few weeks. just incorporate one or 2 belly-excercises in my routine and rotate every few weeks.Generally speaking, anything that works the core is good; and that includes squats and lunges which are usually noted for leg excercises.

    As for actual excercises: planking is good, as is the lie-on-your-back-raise-both-legs-up-lower-again. You can also combine the muscle groups, for instance lying on an excercise ball or bench, do a sit-up-butterfly-press - that'll work your belly and chest muscles and may help your boobs to not sag while you lose the weight (though again, no guarantees, most boobs sag. Gravity is a *****). Don't neglect your back muscles! Well maintained back muscles help your posture, which makes your belly look smaller ;)
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Okay first off I KNOW there's no such thing as spot reduction! I know there's no exercise to specifically burn belly fat and that diet is the main issue to lose belly fat along with cardio. That's not what I'm asking. I wanna know different exercises that are known, or you do, that are great for losing belly fat.

    Um, you realize that in 3 sentences you managed to make a correct statement and then totally contradict yourself, right?

    The best exercise I know to lose belly fat goes like this: open cupboard door, remove food scale, portion food, scan into mfp app, repeat until daily goals are met.

    I didn't contradict myself. I'm asking what exercises help with fat loss. Doing burpees are more effective than doing curls. I want to know exercises that help benefit belly fat loss. Like I said I know diet is the most important factor but its not the only factor.

    You say you know there is no such thing as spot reduction and then you ask for exercises that target belly fat? I was a little confused too.

    The answer is there aren't any. Crunches and planks train the abdominal muscles underneath the fat, but they won't do anything about the fat itself. You can only lose body fat all over through exercise and diet, there are no specfic cardio exercises that will target belly fat. And usually on women this is the last place we lose fat.
  • cheyy_nicoleee
    cheyy_nicoleee Posts: 38 Member
    To everyone who is saying I contradict myself, obviously you're not actually reading into my question. I know there's no such thing as spot reducing! Like I stated diet is the main key. So tell me when my diet is good and I have a crappy workout routine, am I suppose to see result? No! I'm simply asking what kinds of exercises are out there that have helped others and are good for burning calories and amp up cardio.

    Thanks :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Okay first off I KNOW there's no such thing as spot reduction! I know there's no exercise to specifically burn belly fat and that diet is the main issue to lose belly fat along with cardio. That's not what I'm asking. I wanna know different exercises that are known, or you do, that are great for losing belly fat.[/]

    Um, you realize that in 3 sentences you managed to make a correct statement and then totally contradict yourself, right?

    The best exercise I know to lose belly fat goes like this: open cupboard door, remove food scale, portion food, scan into mfp app, repeat until daily goals are met.

    I didn't contradict myself. I'm asking what exercises help with fat loss. Doing burpees are more effective than doing curls. I want to know exercises that help benefit belly fat loss. Like I said I know diet is the most important factor but its not the only factor.

    I'm not trying to argue, just point out that you didn't ask a general fat loss question, you asked about belly fat. The answer to your question starts in the kitchen.

    Now, to maximize weight loss by maintaining as much lean mass as possible while losing weight I use a mixture of endurance cardio, hiit cardio, power lifting, and endurance lifting while consuming at a deficit. Strength training is essential to lean mass maintenance while on a deficit.
  • Without reading other's replies...

    I know for myself that the plank is especially great for the stomach area, it makes you draw in your core for strength. Also, I love lying leg lifts, they mainly target the lower stomach (pouch): lay on your back, start with your legs straight up in the air, lower them until they are about 5 inches from the ground, raise them back up until they are straight. I try to do at least 50 a day, you may start out holding onto something to keep you from raising your shoulders but eventually your core will be strong enough to do without. You will definately be feeling those! :)

    Good luck in your journey!
  • i am a second year college student and one of my classes is dance. we dance for over an hour twice a week. i know that may not be manageable for some people but dance is an entire body workout, and it's intense. i keep looking down at my tummy and i see my toes rather than over hanging fat. constant high level exercise and healthy eating are what kill unwanted fat.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    To everyone who is saying I contradict myself, obviously you're not actually reading into my question. I know there's no such thing as spot reducing! Like I stated diet is the main key. So tell me when my diet is good and I have a crappy workout routine, am I suppose to see result? No! I'm simply asking what kinds of exercises are out there that have helped others and are good for burning calories and amp up cardio.

    Thanks :)

    This isn't intended to sound smartass-ish, but really any exercise that helps create your calorie deficit. There are many exercises that can help strengthen your core, which is what I think you're asking. Yes, ab work is a way to do this, but you can also activate core muscles with compound lifts.

    You're on the right track with calorie intake. If you aren't incorporating compound movements into your routine look into those. Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting for Women would be good places to start.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Lift heavy.
  • No! I'm simply asking what kinds of exercises are out there that have helped others and are good for burning calories and amp up cardio.

    I try to vary my cardio routine. My latest improvement in terms of cardio is adding the stair master (insert groan here) to my routine. I'll walk for 10, get on the stair master, hit the elliptical and generally change things up. One day do 10 minutes on one, 15 on the other, 30 or the third.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Have you changed your diet since you last posted? You were eating 600-1200 cals a day while exercising off 700. That will not help you in anyway. Your diary is closed so I can't see if you changed your diet. Weight loss is 80% diet.

    You just need to focus on lowering your overall body fat percentage. Which can be done the best (in my opinion) by eating more, lifting heavy weights and maxing out on protein so you build muscle. Muscle will burn more fat.
  • I'm assuming that the OP really meant to ask for exercises that help with reduction of body fat. Generally, the best exercises for body fat reduction are ones that involve the larger muscles of the body (legs and back) or exercises that work multiple groups of muscles simultaneously. Heavy squats are great as they crush your legs/butt and burpees are awesome as they work just about everything. I also like doing power lifting moves with sand bags. Something about using sand bags instead of "weights" seems to give me a better workout (though that may be entirely mental). From what I have read, the newer "philosophies" on weight loss stress high weight with low reps and low rest time between sets. Look up HIIT methodology or tabata training. Those methods can make almost any exercise a fat torching activity!

    If you are looking for exercises to tone/strengthen/build abdominal muscle hence pulling in the gut providing a slimming effect, my favorite exercise by far is the ab wheel. It's a little wheel with handles on each side. since I have been using that, I have put a ton on muscle on my abs. They are still somewhat covered up by too much fat, but you can definitely see them. Just be sure to learn correct form as you can really mess up your back if you do it wrong. If you google ab wheel, you will find tons of stuff. My personal favorites are on rosstraining.com. LOVE that site!
  • cheyy_nicoleee
    cheyy_nicoleee Posts: 38 Member
    Okay first off I KNOW there's no such thing as spot reduction! I know there's no exercise to specifically burn belly fat and that diet is the main issue to lose belly fat along with cardio. That's not what I'm asking. I wanna know different exercises that are known, or you do, that are great for losing belly fat.[/]

    Um, you realize that in 3 sentences you managed to make a correct statement and then totally contradict yourself, right?

    The best exercise I know to lose belly fat goes like this: open cupboard door, remove food scale, portion food, scan into mfp app, repeat until daily goals are met.

    I didn't contradict myself. I'm asking what exercises help with fat loss. Doing burpees are more effective than doing curls. I want to know exercises that help benefit belly fat loss. Like I said I know diet is the most important factor but its not the only factor.

    I'm not trying to argue, just point out that you didn't ask a general fat loss question, you asked about belly fat. The answer to your question starts in the kitchen.

    Now, to maximize weight loss by maintaining as much lean mass as possible while losing weight I use a mixture of endurance cardio, hiit cardio, power lifting, and endurance lifting while consuming at a deficit. Strength training is essential to lean mass maintenance while on a deficit.

    It's okay. I just get so frustrated when I try and look for answers and everyone is so critical and negative about the way people diet and exercise. Everyone's different and with proper knowledge, should know the basics to weight loss, but the way everyone does it is different. Could you please explain HIIT cardio? I do 60 minutes on the treadmill alternating between inline, walking and running.. How could I Set up my cardio for best results?
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Okay first off I KNOW there's no such thing as spot reduction! I know there's no exercise to specifically burn belly fat and that diet is the main issue to lose belly fat along with cardio. That's not what I'm asking. I wanna know different exercises that are known, or you do, that are effective for burning belly fat? What exercises burn more calories to help burn lower belly fat? (Burpees are more effective than curls...I wanna know exercises not diet)

    *******there I changed the wording if this makes more sense*********

    You are still contradicting yourself. You can't say in one sentence that you know you can't spot reduce, and then in the next ask what exercises burn more belly fat, that is the exact definition of contradicting yourself! The correct question would be which exercises burn more calories to help burn fat. Which the answer is whatever exercise is the toughest for you that gets your heart rate up.
  • cheyy_nicoleee
    cheyy_nicoleee Posts: 38 Member
    Have you changed your diet since you last posted? You were eating 600-1200 cals a day while exercising off 700. That will not help you in anyway. Your diary is closed so I can't see if you changed your diet. Weight loss is 80% diet.

    You just need to focus on lowering your overall body fat percentage. Which can be done the best (in my opinion) by eating more, lifting heavy weights and maxing out on protein so you build muscle. Muscle will burn more fat.

    My lowest ever was 600 (busy day with classes and work) but I do average around 1100 plus or minus depending on the days
  • cheyy_nicoleee
    cheyy_nicoleee Posts: 38 Member
    Okay first off I KNOW there's no such thing as spot reduction! I know there's no exercise to specifically burn belly fat and that diet is the main issue to lose belly fat along with cardio. That's not what I'm asking. I wanna know different exercises that are known, or you do, that are effective for burning belly fat? What exercises burn more calories to help burn lower belly fat? (Burpees are more effective than curls...I wanna know exercises not diet)

    *******there I changed the wording if this makes more sense*********

    You are still contradicting yourself. You can't say in one sentence that you know you can't spot reduce, and then in the next ask what exercises burn more belly fat, that is the exact definition of contradicting yourself! The correct question would be which exercises burn more calories to help burn fat. Which the answer is whatever exercise is the toughest for you that gets your heart rate up.

    Lol well then please tell me those exercises rather than trying to correct my sentences.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I love using my good ol medicine ball to do side twists. A nice way to work on those "corset stomach muscles". The frontal pudge is rough for me too. I notice a slight change when I ditch sodium almost all together and drink a lot of stupid water. Also try to be as regular as you can whatever this means for you...
    As far as your question, it sounded like me a few weeks ago. Maybe I felt like there was an answer I was missing out there in regards to belly fat. It seems like if you did 100 sit ups a day it would solve this issue. Right? I desperately searched for one person to say 'Yes, everyone else is wrong! If you do this...' But the answer never came so I went back to my regularly scheduled dieting program. You can only do what you can do I s'pose. Good luck. :)
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    There is no exercise specifically that is best suited for 'belly fat loss'

    The exercise best suited for weight loss in general is the one that you can maintain the longest that burns the largest number of calories. Go for a run until you can't run anymore, then walk until you can run again, then run some more. Wash, rinse, repeat.
  • lilncbrat
    lilncbrat Posts: 56 Member
    GROAN!! :noway:
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Answer: Running, biking, kayaking, hiking, walking, playing a sport, circuit training, tae-bo, P90X, Insanity, Hip-hop abs, dancing, playing wii, playing X-box kinect, rock climbing, jump training (aka pseudo-Plyometrics), skiing, snowshoeing, swimming, rowing, Tough Muddering, physical labor, etc.