How do you add (Sneak) more fruits/veggies in your diet?



  • Pick up apple, bite it, chew it, swallow it. Pick up banana, bite it, chew it, swallow it. Pick up carrot, bite it, chew it, swallow it. Pick up *fill in whatever veggie/fruit you like here*, bite it, chew it, swallow it.

    No sneaking necessary. Once you cut a lot of processed food and sugar from the diet - suddenly these foods tastes lovely raw. Or with a dash of salt (on veggies).
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I keep carrot slices and sugar snap peas in my fridge. If I don't have enough veggies at the end of the day, I sit myself down and eat them! Not sneaky, though. :tongue:
  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables because I love them, but they add up quickly when you just add them to whatever you are making. If you are eating a lot of pre-packaged food it's more difficult, but I think learning to cook your own healthy meals is a huge part of helping you stay focused and keep the weight off later.

    So, for example, if I am making scrambled eggs in the morning, I add veggies. Usually tomatoes, mushrooms, and greens (spinach, chard, or kale). Other veggies like peppers are good too. If you are making a smoothie, add fruit and greens. If you want a sandwich for lunch, add veggies (doesn't have to be just lettuce and tomato - you can add any veggies really). I even add greens, mushrooms, onions and avocado to my grilled cheese sandwiches.
  • My hubby packs me little baggies of carrots and/or fruit in the morning. It's so sweet that I have to bring them with me and eat them. Over the weekend I made some low fat banana pear muffins because I had fruit that was a tad too ripe (170 calories for 2), but everyone liked them so much they were gone by Sunday afternoon. I've also become fond of the frozen single serve veggie dishes. I leave one or two in the freezer at work and eat them when I need a serious snack.
  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member
    I <3 veggies but some days i don't eat enough of them.

    So i usually have a green smoothie for breakfast with 4 cups spinach and 4 cups romaine or 1-2Cups Kale + 1-2 cups frozen fruit and 1 frozen banana

    I love broccoli and asparagus so i usually have that for dinner and or with lunch.

    I grate up zucchini bell peppers and spinach and put that into turkey burgers or turkey muffins.
  • Green smoothies
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I have about 3 or 4 servings of fruit in my morning smoothies, and I bring about that much fruit to work with me. For instance, in my smoothie today I had about a cup of blueberries and a cup of blackberries. In my lunch I have (had) 4 tangerines. I have 3 left, for about 5 more minutes!
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm not great with fruits, I have an apple everyday, usually with peanut butter. And I'll eat strawberries and blueberries too, but I don't like them mixed with anything.

    But I love veggies! If you don't like them raw on their own....Add broccoli to cheese omelets. Put lettuce and tomato on turkey sandwiches or hamburgers. Add chopped celery to tuna salad. Put potatoes and carrots in stews. Add chopped red bell pepper with pasta dishes. Mix corn in with mashed potatoes -- that's a 2-in-1 right there. There are so many ways to sneak extra veggies in :)
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    For me, fruits and veggies come first before the junk. I get 9 servings every day. My AM and PM snack every single day consists of a piece of fruit (2 servings), lunch is always accompanied by a container full of baby carrots, English cucumber slices, and celery sticks (3 servings), and supper is always accompanied by a mixed greens salad with berries added (3 cups of mixed green = 3 servings and plus 1 serving fruit). It's really not hard to fit into your daily diet and all that food only makes up probably about 400 calories.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    And for veggies, when I make beans, I will put 2 onions and a bunch or 2 of garlic in them as well as a bell pepper or some jalapenos. And, in my wild rice I will put a couple tomatos, tomato puree, an onion, a bell and a bunch of garlic as well as some chipotle peppers. I used to juice regularly, but it has been a while. I am getting closer and closer to talking myself into doing it every day again...
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    For me, fruits and veggies come first before the junk. I get 9 servings every day. My AM and PM snack every single day consists of a piece of fruit (2 servings), lunch is always accompanied by a container full of baby carrots, English cucumber slices, and celery sticks (3 servings), and supper is always accompanied by a mixed greens salad with berries added (3 cups of mixed green = 3 servings and plus 1 serving fruit). It's really not hard to fit into your daily diet and all that food only makes up probably about 400 calories.
    Yeah, I eat 400 calories in fruit, easy. It consists of up tp 18% of my food. I checked it the other da! hehehe