Toning Footwear

Have any of you guys tried any of the toning foootwear that is on the market?

Sketcher's Shape Ups?
Reebok Easy Tones?
New Balance Rock and Tone?

I bought the New Balance Rock and Tone....I couldnt resist....they were actually cute and the face that they are suppossed to assist in toning I decided why the hell not. Would I pay the 84.99 they retail for? Heck no but I did pay 34 bucks for them with my discount at work LOL....

Anyone who has these have they worked? Any benefits you have seen?

I am on my feet 8 hours a day at work and decided to give them a try!


  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I've been really wanting a pair of these, I'm anxious to see if they've actually helped anybody here!
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    Being a sucker for advertising I have a pair of MBT Trainers and 2 pairs of Fitflops.

    I know they work for some people but they did not do anything for me really. I walked alot and wore them alot not just once every now and then ( I am not stupid in that I expect them to work just because I own them!)

    They certainly did help my posture but thats about all for me

  • rhenichols
    rhenichols Posts: 3 Member
    I've got a pair of MBT trainers as well. I wouldn't say they're good for toning, but they are excellent for cushioning your joints and once you get used to the rocking sensation they're really comfortable as well