looking for friends doing 1200 calorie

Hi I did mfp a while back but slacked off!! I am ready to go this time I am looking for friends that are doing 1200 calorie goals. Can you see what each other eats to get good ideas? If so please add me!! Would love support!!
Thanks Crystal


  • Mine is set at 1240 a day ! I would love new ideas !!
  • Hi! I also have a calorie goal of 1200. I am trying a low-fat approach, mostly veggies and lean meats. I've tried MFP a few times before. I'm hoping I stick to it this time and lost the weight!
  • LadyPScott
    LadyPScott Posts: 5 Member
    I am doing 1200 calories a day as well. My food diary may look a little weird because I juice during the day but I wanted to account for that as well.

    How do I add friends, lol?
  • I have a max goal of 1240....I try to stay below that if at all possible. I hate counting calories, so I have chosen to measure neutrients.....calories are just a bi-product of neutrient tracking!
  • I am also doing 1200 calories a day! I've done mfp before then switched to WW and it didn't work as well for me so I'm back!
    You can add friends by visiting their profile and clicking on the green button to add them.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    same here :) sometimes it goes over, sometimes it goes under.. :3 I changed a few things to lower calorie versions like chicken and I try to eat whole wheat stuff more :)

    add me if you want to!
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm set at 1250 calories and I focus on eating a lot of protien from non meat sources. Add me and you can see my diary.
  • chilove98
    chilove98 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in btwn 1200 and 1300 (depending on my settings that wk (light activity or sedentary)
  • Hi! I am doing 1200 "net" calorie days, looking for some inspiration on my newsfeed, add me if you want :)
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    i do around 1200 give or take so any of you can feel free to add me as well!
  • My goal is 1200 and most day im below goal !!!! i have lost 3 pounds in one week and can feel the difference when i put my work cloths on. they are not tight. i really try to eat natural foods vegies and salads and if i eat something that is way out there i will not be eating that again. i have tried lots of ways to loose weight and i feel this one is going to work for me.
  • MGiardini71884
    MGiardini71884 Posts: 47 Member
    I do 1200/day and I'm always looking for new motivators/encouragers!!!! add me =)
  • JessiesGirl69
    JessiesGirl69 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a 1200 per day but after I input my workout(s) for the day mfp gives me a bonus 500-700 more calories! haha I don't want to eat more cause it's too late by time I get home. So I think my breakfast and lunch needs to have more calories, haha I never thought I would ever say that! Is anyone else in this predicament?
  • Hi, I'm pretty new on here and in the 1200 calorie count as well. Would love to have some folks to help me stay accountable as well :-)
  • Hey I am currently in taking 1200 kcals a data and have been for the last few weeks. Going well so far, I have lost 9pounds. It will be nice to join other and share receipes, ideas etc so please add me, and anyone else who wants to add me are welcome :-)
  • Hi there (second post - still quite long sorry!)

    My Calorie goal is 1200 per day, and I am usually under it. I don't have my diary as public, but can tell you what I eat.
    It's a bit monotonous, but I don't mind as I really like those foods.

    1/2cup muesli; two tablespoons low fat unsweetened lite Greek style yoghurt, 1/2c of low fat milk (not the lowest or green top as I hate that!). Calories - around 250, a bit more if i add fruit

    2 slices wholegrain (vogel or burgen) toast, half a large tomato sliced thinly, pepper and finely sliced spring onions or parsley to flavour. (occasionally I add 50g low salt feta cheese for variety). Calories - around 230 (without feta)

    Dinner: (we bought half a cow and had it butchered with almost all the fat removed, so always have lean meat; and we use rice bran oil)
    100g lean meat; 200 - 300g of vegetables (example mix will be onion, broccoli, carrot, capsicum, sometimes green beans and mushrooms) and 1 small potato (or sweet potato, or rice etc).
    Add any herbs and spices you like, and canned (with no added anything!) or fresh tomatoes are a great addition for one pot meals.
    This can be a pan fry, grill, stirfry or casserole , but be careful what sauces you use. Pre-prepared ones are loaded with rubbish and can ramp up your calories.
    I usually make up something with low salt soya or garlic sauce, a little cornflour for thickening, water from steaming or boiling vegetables, then add chillies, garlic, ginger or any spices you like for flavouring. Calories from 300 - 330.

    Our rule for dinner is that (no more than) a quarter of the plate should be meat, a quarter potato or rice etc, and the remaining half is to be vegetables.

    With two to three cups of coffee a day my total count is usually around 850 (just rounding, don't correct my maths!). Then with the remainder I get to have 2 glasses of wine with dinner which suits me just fine :-).
    Oh and I do a 3k walk most days, plus a few other things once or twice a week.
    I still seem to be losing around 800g a week which I'm happy with, as I don't want to go too far too fast and then find I can't maintain it.
    Hope this helps.
  • Tubesox1969
    Tubesox1969 Posts: 11 Member
    Well, My goal is to stay below 1850. I'm a 6'5" Male...1200/day and I'd be dead in a month. :)
  • mine is 1200..
  • thats only because your tall.
  • mjhmjhmjh
    mjhmjhmjh Posts: 55 Member
    I joined and stared back eating healthy yesterday, need to lose 40 pounds. I am on 1200 too. Add me if you want