Need some help today!



  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I work out first thing in the morning. I used to grab a snack beforehand with the logic that I needed fuel for my workout. But I've since found that as long as I work out first thing (not 2 hours after I get up), I have a better workout on an empty stomach (which they say helps encourage fat-burning). When I get home from my workout I'm definitely ready to eat, so I have Eggbeaters, 1 slice of cheese and 1 slice of Canadian bacon on an English Muffin (290 calories). This is a hearty breakfast - better than an Egg McMuffin - loaded with protein and satisfies me until lunch. Lunch is less than 3 hours from breakfast, then I eat a mid-afternoon snack (about 250 calories) making sure to get some protein in all meals. So I'm eating every 2-3 hours throughout the day, which helps keep my blood sugar stable and reduce my hunger level.

    Hope that helps!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Thanks! I think I've been doing pretty good with the protein and water today (diary should be unlocked). I think it's probably just a boredom thing. It's my day off and my house is clean (lol) so I have nothing to do.

    Does anyone else have this problem? They get bored and feel like they need to eat something?

    Yes! Bored = grazing time for me!

    If you're really starving, add in a snack and maybe do some chores or walk or whatever to balance the calories if you're that concerned.

    you may need more water. some days the body just needs more hydration than others!

    Take note of what you do and how it affects you so next time the issue comes along you will be better prepared.

    Also, if you're super bored, you can come round to mine - I didn't do dishes last night and my kitchen is a disaster area! ;)