P90X plans?

After everything I've heard about P90x on here I'm tempted to splash out and buy the dvds but its double the price to get the guides and books as well. Will I be missing out if I have the dvds but not the guides? Also, what are the 3 levels I keep hearing about? Basically, how does it work and is it worth it to buy it?

To give you an idea of what a tight budget I'm on I only have £75 a week to spend on clothes, misc spending, going out and anything else I want as I'm saving for a trip in May and a UK visa in July. Do I just spend £25 on the dvds alone or spend a week's worth of money and buy the whole kit?


  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    The quick answer is "yes, you WILL be missing out if you have the DVDs but not the guides" because all of your questions and more are answered in the guides. The materials explain WHICH disc to use on WHICH days.

    The books are more than just "P90X RULES RAH RAH RAH!!!!" that most reading materials that accompany workout discs are. It has the instructions for each exercise so that if you're on the road and can't take the DVDs, you still have instructions. It provides preparation. The nutrition guide has recipes to follow as well as recommendations on which eating level to be at depending on your fitness level.

    Save your money and buy the whole thing. This -- like all of fitness -- shouldn't be treated as a miscellaneous expense. It's an investment in YOU.

    Is it worth buying? Absolutely -- otherwise, there wouldn't be so many of us out here who've gone through the entire cycle multiple times and keep at it. But it DOES require commitment, and you wouldn't see results right away. It's not P7X or P21X for a reason.

    £75/$150 is a small investment for a life's change.