quit smoking!!

I have lost 47 lbs on fitness pal, eating healthy, lost about 2 lbs per week, then decided to go cold turkey. Gained 2 lbs and then there I sit for about 2 weeks...I walk, exercise and drink lots of water... Any other suggestions??


  • ppotoch
    ppotoch Posts: 11 Member
    I did the same exact thing (lost 45 pounds then quit smoking cold turkey). I gained 4 pounds over a couple of weeks. I just kept doing what I was doing and it came back off after a few weeks. You'll be fine and good job with the quit!
  • delwen57
    delwen57 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks!! I needed that
  • ToFatToBeSick
    Quit smoking in August and put on 10 but lost it fairly quickly. When you quit smoking, your metabolism slows down. Boost your metabolism again and your weight will start coming back off. That may mean going a few days eating enough calories to maintain your current weight and then say day 4 cutting back to your weight loss calories. Also eat small frequent meals thought the day to help boost your metabolism. For example, I eat every 2 hours from 8am and 6pm. I've had major success and lost a total of 97 pounds (pregnant now so weight loss is on hold).
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Congrats on quitting!
    I quit a year ago, gained a few, and now I'm on here.
  • LadySkills
    Firstly, congrats on quitting! I was wondering if anyone here could help -
    Just quit smoking last week (15/day smoker for 3 years) and now I've started to worry that this will upset my health kick by making me gain weight.

    I know that adding muscles speeds your metabolism, would there be any particular moves I could do to kickstart my new metabolic rate? Does anyone have any other advice to speed up my metabolism?
  • SamNicoll
    SamNicoll Posts: 43 Member
    SImilar here. Quit smoking and had surgery in January and now a couple of lb heavier than I was 5 weeks ago. However, despite some initial disappointment, I'm confident that I'm doing all the right things, and that a short-term blip in weight loss is a very small price to pay for freedom from smoking and the health benefits to be gained from that. SImple but not easy!

    Be well,

  • ashalfy
    ashalfy Posts: 7 Member
    Congrats on the quit! When I quit I gained ten pounds and then started working out and eating clean. One thing at a time! I wanted to put all my focus into beating the addiction and now I can focus on other things. Gaining at least 5 pounds is normal. Smokers on average weigh 5-10 lbs less than non smokers.