Monster ProTEAn Perfect For Post-Ops

Those of you who are also post WLS know that drinking an ordinary Monster Energy would be complete derailment from our post-op diet, I, however, came across this little number yesterday at the AmPm, and I am very excited to see I can drink something other than a protein shake and get a good source of protein without the dense taste.


This is Monster ProTEAn. It's light, tastes just like sweet tea (I dont even like sweet tea & I still liked this) and the best part:
It has 15g of protein! There are only 50 calories a serving, and only 4 sugars so NO DUMPING... hold on, the best is yet to come...
it isn't carbonated! So that makes it very safe for RNY, Sleeve and LapBand recipients!


I am sorry, I was so excited to find this, I simply had to share. I found a case of them on Amazon, and I may very well order them by the 24 pack. I highly suggest you guys give this one a try!
