Fighting againt anxiety disorder

Hallo everybody, I am Lara , I joined this group since 3 weeks ago, I gained18 kg the last year, and now I lost 5 kg, i should loss other 13 kg 26 lbs , but the anxiety in the evenings are a pain on my neck , I can not find or figure out why I look for in the food try to solve my daily troubles of the life. i feel the food can solve or calm me when i am worried for a friendship, an exam, because my future is uncertain and I don´t know what to to , or just because I should correct 200 comments in my thesis,

i am getting crazy and also I am completly alone, I can not go to any psychiatric or psychologist because I am living in a foreign country where they don´t speak english neither my native language,

I have found the better solution to my troubles pray and DO EXERCISE DAILY; INCREASE MY SELF-esteem . and
lead in the past the stupid behavior I had for some months as bulimic,

I look forward somebody who also suffers because the evenings are synonyms of anxiety or temptation of eat carbohydrates, or some of you who are trying to reach your dreams of be healthy and feel better,
I hope to support us each other, Thanks.


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I feel you. I do work for nuclear plants, so when I travel to site for extended periods, I end up alone in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and no one to do it with. I usually turned to food at these times since sitting in front of the tv in the dingy hotel room for the second straight month seems a little less depressing with food as a comfort. I've been trying lately to go exercise when I get those cravings. Either I'll go for a long run to tire myself out or I'll put on Netflix and do circuit training in the hotel room while watchin movies. It's not a perfect solution, but it helps. Using Skype to talk to people back home can be a huge burden reliever as well. Hope that helps a little.
  • cupcake_jen
    cupcake_jen Posts: 26 Member
    I have severe generalized anxiety disorder and its no fun. I have about 100 pounds to lose and exercising if the hardest part I can do. Before (only had this anxiety for 6 months) I could get on the treadmill and workout till I sweat. Now I get on and in 5 minutes I feel like imma have a heart attack. I know we make the problems way worse than they are but it's just so hard. Anyways feel free to add me.
  • runningfataway
    Okay, I'm going to go through many Anxiety posts on here and say the same thing over and over again. I too sufferED from anxiety. I will probably have anxiety all throughout my life, that's a given. The problem is how I deal with it, and the coping mechanisms I find along the way. I've tested running out a few times, and I realized that running DRASTICALLY improved my anxiety levels. During class I would feel uncomfortable, and start getting an anxiety attack (excessive blushing, getting hot, having the fight or flee symptom) going on. However I've created a system for myself, and I run exactly the night before classes and during class I still have the runners high to my surprise and feel so good! I feel much more relaxed and focused, whereas on the days I don't run I have terrible low-self esteem and I feel TENSE all the time! Down below is an article someone else has relatively similar experience as me.
    Running doesn't have to be the only form of solution, any type of cardio that allows you to push yourself beyond your own limits and really have your heart pumping would do the trick! Trust me on this, just give it a try.
  • LunarGypsy
    LunarGypsy Posts: 18 Member
    HI there!
    I completely understand what you're going though. I have GAD and pretty much everything makes me anxious and sometimes I want to just give up when I don't see instant results. I would be very happy to lend some support!
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I think the Skype idea is great! And the exercise idea, too. Exercising changes your brain chemistry, and improves your outlook tremendously. A few months ago I stopped going on my daily walks because my dog died, and it was just too sad to walk without her. A few weeks later, I started eating compulsively again, and couldn't seem to get my act together. It was very frightening to feel so out of control. Then I realized what was missing - exercise. As soon as I started walking again, up and down steep hills, I felt a shift in my sense of well being and self control. Exercise is like taking a magic pill for my brain.

    I found a list of 8 ways to improve your mood:
    1 Raise your activity level
    2 Spend some time in the sun
    3 Reach out to friends, make a new friend
    4 Rid yourself of a nagging task
    5 Create a more serene environment. (In a hotel, maybe music, candlelight)
    6 Do a good deed (Help someone on MFP!)
    7 Act happy till you feel happy
    8 Learn something new about something that really interests you

    I would add, avoid empty carbs. These definitely make me emotionally unbalanced.

    Seeking happiness isn't a selfish goal - Happy people tend to make others happy.
    I hope you find the answers you're looking for.