What have been your top 3 purchases?

I'm thinking in terms of your diet or exercise regime here :)

For me;

1. kitchen scales, I never bothered before and now they never get put away, used every meal.

2. my gym membership. Years and years since I last went regularly to a gym but I got a good rate in December and then didn't go until mid January when the bug bit and I'm there regularly doing my couch to 5k programme.

3. my zaggorra hot pants...I've been wearing them a lot in the last couple of weeks and definitely seeing an improvement in my skin. Not a miracle cure but a helping hand!


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    A digital body scale (vs my $5 dial version)

    A GOOD sports bra

    Good running shoes

    My Garmin

    My treadmill

    Regular massages
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Good shoes
    Brazil Butt Lift
    Hand weights
  • Vlly4life15
    Vlly4life15 Posts: 248 Member
    15lbs sledge hammer

    lifting straps

  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    1. New bike
    2. Vitamix
    3. Garmin HRM
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    1. Kitchen scale
    2. HRM
    3. Olympic weights/squat rack
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    comfy work out clothes
    kitchen scales
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    1. Running shoes
    2. supportive sports bra (fave is Moving Comfort Phoebe)
    3. Garmin
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    It started with a pedometer ( I dont use it anymore but it gave me an idea of how active I was which has been my guidance)

    A food scale was the best thing I bought. I dont think I could have truly controlled portions without it.

    Sneakers that dont hurt my feet and allow me to walk for as long as a i like.
  • jross1006
    1. Herbalife Advanced Package
    2.Digital Scale
    3.Tanning Pass :)
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    1. My bicycle. I'm saving $100 a month on public transit (although after bike accessories and maintenance, it's probably more like $50), and just getting to work "forces" me to bicycle for 10 miles a day. Plus, since I do grocery shopping by bike, I don't have space to carry mounds of impulse junk food.

    2. Bathroom scale. I've had it for less than a month, but having a fancy digital scale that allows me to measure body fat is a great tool for a quantitative person like myself.

    3. New Rules of Lifting for Woman. It's a book with a 6 month weight lifting program, plus a lot more. I'm getting a good amount of cardio in, but want to maintain my muscle mass as I lose--and hopefully get stronger as well! I'm a few weeks into NRL4W, and love it! There's definitely something empowering about dead lifting 150lbs. Plus, even though I have lost 40lbs, I haven't gotten the stereotypical feeling of being cold all the time, because I've got metabolically active muscle keeping me warm :)
  • jackaroo21
    jackaroo21 Posts: 127 Member
    Starting strength
    Gym membership
    Rawv almonds
  • meechster20001
    meechster20001 Posts: 76 Member
    Is a heart rate monitor a good investment? At the moment I'm just running when I'm told to with the couch to 5k thing and log the calories burned as whatever the treadmill tells me but I am working from a base of zero fitness.

    I'm loaning my New Rules of Lifting to a friend and going to start it once I graduate the 5k programme. Got a fair few fitness dvds I need to do at some point. I think Jillian will be kicking my butt in April!
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    Protein powder - I go through that like toilet paper
    Annual YMCA dues - best $420 I have ever spent
    Gloves - I was developing horrible callouses
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    1. Fitbit One
    2. Coconut Oil
    3. Scales - Both bodyweight & food
  • zumbarock
    zumbarock Posts: 86 Member
    Elliptical Machine
    Comfortable work out shoes
    Zumba classes!!!
  • Charz612
    Charz612 Posts: 38 Member
    Kitchen Scales
    Puffed Corn - makes a fantastic snack, use some spray oil and any seasoning you choose, shake about in a bag then eat!!
  • kellymoconnell
    kellymoconnell Posts: 11 Member
    1. good tennis shoes
    2. superior sports bra
    3. lululemon pants
  • CovaJoser
    Bike and bike parts
    Running shoes
    Protein powder

    Looking for a good hrm for my wife and myself as a valentines day present!
  • Rachelito
    Rachelito Posts: 119 Member
    1. Kitchen Scale
    2. Membership to the Y
    3. Heart Rate Monitor
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    1. Couch to 5k app
    2. Abs Diet Cookbook
    3. Running shoes