Feeling shaky during workouts

I have been getting weak, shaky, dizzy and feeling just yucky when I workout. It doesn't happen all the time. I usually have Kashi Go Lean Crunch with 2% milk and fruit for breakfast or oatmeal, Greek yogurt and fruit. For lunch I usually have Ham, fruit and veggies or peanut butter on whole grain toast with fruits and veggies. For dinner I usually have ham, or a boiled egg (no yolk) or a hot dog with veggies. I have been drinking 4-8 glasses of water and I have been having water before and during my workouts and I have peanut butter toast before workouts. Does anybody know why I get so dizzy and weak when I work out??


  • ephemerata
    ephemerata Posts: 82 Member
    It could be a number of reasons. How soon after eating do you work out? How long are you exercising before you begin to feel dizzy and shaky? How many calories are you eating a day? Based on the foods you've listed here, it looks to me like you consume a fair amount of carbohydrates. Have you had difficulty with your blood sugar in the past? What kinds of exercises are you doing?

    1. The sugar in the peanut butter and bread might make you unstable.
    2. You may not be eating enough calories.
    3. You may be eating too high of a carbohydrate ratio for the calories that you are getting.
    4. 4-8 glasses of water really is not a lot.. at all. In fact, that seems like the minimum amount of water you'd want to drink. I drink a gallon to a gallon a half of water per day (granted, if you're in the US, it's probably warmer where I am than where you are) and that doesn't include the water from coffees/smoothies/teas, and I work a desk job!

    I'd recommend taking a look at all of these factors and maybe start keeping a log of when you're getting dizzy and what you're doing when the "attacks" hit to see if you can identify triggers or patterns.