Okay, i'm starving!



  • KatjaNZ
    KatjaNZ Posts: 186 Member
    Rather eat some almonds or fruit instead of lollies, they make you crave for sugar.
    Having a smoothie helps me when I'm craving all day.
  • lkplibra
    lkplibra Posts: 147 Member
    Try adding the Fiber counter to your Food diary. You are eating a fair amount of processed food and the more fiber you eat the more satisfied you will feel.

    The choices you made (the Wurthers hard candy) for 132 calories you could have had 1/2 an apple and a cup of skim milk for the same calories. That would have given you 130 calories, 12 grams of protien and 5 grams of fiber. You would much better than what a couple of small candies can do for you. Not to say you can't have a sweet candy now and then, but it is more important to eat real food first and then have a sweet at the end of the day if you still have the calories left over.

    But if you are hungry now, you still have room for more food in your day. For 250 calories you can have 4 oz of skinless chicken breast (half a rotissere chicken breast), 1 cup of steamed brocoli, and 1/2 an apple. This is a lot food and should make you feel better. Hope this helps.
  • djfriedman81
    try to avoid the processed sugar and when having simple sugars eat with protein, Ie, Apple with peanut butter. To much sugar alone will make you hungrier.
  • allknowingtomato
    allknowingtomato Posts: 42 Member
    1. you have not tracked the cheese wrap thing, so i don't know how many calories it had. unless it was ~400 cals, you have extra cals to use (so use 'em). make a salad with some leat meat in it, and chow down. then have a decaf tea.

    2. you have had less than half as much protein as you did the previous day. you also took in tons of sugar. this combined to make your blood sugar all wacky, which is probably why you're hungrier than you expect to be.

    if you have tracked accurately today, use your remaining cals. that's what they're for. or work out and then eat some cals, if you're so worried about it.
  • sarahmarc
    sarahmarc Posts: 31 Member
    The feeling of starving is your body telling you to eat! Eat more, higher protein and fresh foods only. Nothing in a package. Hard boiled eggs, nuts, fruit, veggies, cheese, Greek yogurt, lean meats, salads, oils..... Losing weight is all about the choices you make rather than the amount you eat. Do some research about tdee and bmr and follow those rule. Don't forgot to exercise and eat some extra protein after. Good luck
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Your body is telling you that you are not eating enough... and your diary shows me that as well. You should be eating at the very least your BMR so your body doesn't starve!

    I have come to the same conclusion. At minimum, you should net to the 1,200 and probably more (though I don't know what your BMR is). This means if you exercise, you need to eat to fuel that activity; there is already a caloric deficit in your caloric goal...at 1,200 calories, it's a substantial one. Also, cut the bull**** calories from lolipops and what not...eat some real food.
  • anoette
    Because I've been cooking a lot of home made meals I don't tend to put the vegetables and fruits that I eat down because I know i've eaten them, and know what i've taken in! Even with the ready meals I still have something to eat with it because of the small portions, so for example today I had a large helping of veggies (carrots, mushrooms etc) with the Mac and Cheese and a large helping of rice with the stir fry, as well as bananas, apples etc. Unfortunately my diary does not fully represent my diet but instead my laziness :laugh: As for the previous days missing, I only recently returned.

    So aside from that do I HAVE to eat my exercise calories back? Last time I tried that I gained much more despite eating pretty healthy stuff and it got me down.
    Also truth be told i'm not very good with the whole proteins and carbohydrates and stuff, and don't have the foggiest what makes what!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Because I've been cooking a lot of home made meals I don't tend to put the vegetables and fruits that I eat down because I know i've eaten them, and know what i've taken in! Even with the ready meals I still have something to eat with it because of the small portions, so for example today I had a large helping of veggies (carrots, mushrooms etc) with the Mac and Cheese and a large helping of rice with the stir fry, as well as bananas, apples etc. Unfortunately my diary does not fully represent my diet but instead my laziness :laugh: As for the previous days missing, I only recently returned.

    So aside from that do I HAVE to eat my exercise calories back? Last time I tried that I gained muRch more despite eating pretty healthy stuff and it got me down.
    Also truth be told i'm not very good with the whole proteins and carbohydrates and stuff, and don't have the foggiest what makes what!

    Right ok, so your starving by not eating back your exercise calories, but you think you gain when you do eat them? Confused. How long have you been eating at 1200 a day?
  • anoette
    I never said I -thought- I gained when I ate back my exercise calories, I said I -did-. Hence why the question was there - to ask if it was necessary that I ate all I worked off, or if I was doing it wrong the first time round.

    I've only been trying to stick to 1200 cals for the past two weeks or so, but I'm not trying to be strict about it. It's a bit of a struggle to eat as much as I have been doing during the daytime due to past issues, so I don't want to go OTT again.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I never said I -thought- I gained when I ate back my exercise calories, I said I -did-. Hence why the question was there - to ask if it was necessary that I ate all I worked off, or if I was doing it wrong the first time round.

    I've only been trying to stick to 1200 cals for the past two weeks or so, but I'm not trying to be strict about it. It's a bit of a struggle to eat as much as I have been doing during the daytime due to past issues, so I don't want to go OTT again.

    Ok, well firstly, you need to log everything, even veg has calories in it. How can you accurately know how many calories your eating if you don't log everything?

    Secondly, how long did you try eating back your exercise calories for? Your weight gain may may of just been down to water retention from exercising. It takes time to see what works for you, weight gain and loss is never a really speedy thing.
  • jotero0406
    The only way MFP is going to work for you is if you put everything you eat. It's a way for you to "see" what your eating day by day and to help you make better food choices based on you exercise and daily calorie goal.
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    OMG, that looks amazing!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If you logged everything in your diary, you are starving because...you are really genuinely hungry and need more food.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I like the Abs Diet Cookbook for ideas on nutrition packed meals that have healthy fats, taste delicious and are easy to prepare.
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    Try going for a walk or, if you can, do something more vigorous. But afterwards, when you are not as hungry, you should eat something. 1K isn't enough for you to function in anything other than an inert state.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    This is me today! It's almost that TOM plus I had some serious stress spikes yesterday so I think that is what is doing me in. I don't think I'm going to be able to stop feeling hungry so I'm just trying to last as long as I can before stuffing more stuff in my face and trying to make good choices. :)
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    There is one of the issues! You need to log every little thing that goes in your mouth, you consume it, you log it. Also if you are working out it should be logged as well or calculate your BMR & TDEE (minus 10-20%) with your regular activity and then only eat back calories that you exercise above regular activity.

    Having a well balanced meal is also very important, sugar should come from unrefined sources like fruit instead of lollipops, the occasional treat of a lolli wouldn't be bad at all. A good percentage of carb/protein/fat would be 40/30/30 and you'd probably have great results doing so.

    I will be honest, I find it hard to eat all the calories I have told myself to eat but I do it and I feel much better than I did trying to stick to 1200 calories net.
  • Lisafrazier71
    Lisafrazier71 Posts: 59 Member
    BAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! Eating healthy blows. I don't care who you are. The TURTLE BURGER AND MEATLOAF look like heaven to me.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Wow I forget what it feels like to starve. I'm always eating! lol
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Looking at your diary...you should eat.