healthy valentines say meals!

rockchick90 Posts: 125
edited January 12 in Recipes
So Valentine's Day is almost upon us! anybody with any ideas for healthy romantic meals?
Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? snacks?
We can all help eachother out, celebrate valentines day AND stay healthy :D


  • Just for starters, some of our favorite meats are lean and healthy. Just right for Valentine's Day. Beef tenderloin (kinda $$$ but it is V day, low low fat content), Pork tenderloin (good price point, less calories than chicken breast), Tuna or your favorite fish.
    Start with the protien and then start to work a yummy veg in there.
    Last think about starches. I puree alot of parsnips and carrots to make my guests think they are having a starch.

    Good Luck, Cec
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