Sugar problems and I'm new Hello :)

sonia0260 Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been able to cut back from 2 sugars to 1 the only problem is I've only had 2 cups of tea and some pineapple today and i'm already over my sugar total !!! is this really bad or is it burnt off easily ??? I don't like water so the only other option is pepsi max because it's sugar free isn't it ....Please any advise would be really helpful I'm new to this site :) My doctor has advised me to join as I really need to loose weight I'm 95kg's and am now having medical issues due to this my doctors also applied for free gym membership for me which could take a few weeks .

I really don't want to put any more weight on but I'm so fussy with food you wouldn't believe . Some of the foods I can't eat are fish/fruit


  • judy_s
    judy_s Posts: 2
    I'm not sure how anyone can't like water, but you really should try to learn to drink it. It would make a big difference in your results and your body needs it.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I think water is something you can learn to love, and it's very good for you. I would recommend cutting back on the Pepsi Max, because while it might be sugar free, there are so many things in it that are so bad for you. It's okay to have one every once in a while though as long as it's not all you are drinking!

    Welcome to MFP!
  • have you tried adding a slice of lemon or lime to your water. There are also non sugar drink mixed (i.e. crystal light) you could add a little I like to make sugar free lemon aid (crystal light) and then dilute it 1/4 with water. Water bores me : )
  • NaiLo
    NaiLo Posts: 39
    Im not sure about pepsi Max, check the ingredients...does it contain High fructose corn syrup? sometimes I notice that stuff that says "sugar" free isnt actually sugar free....
  • As far as your sugars go, I wouldn't worry so much about going over when you have had lots of fruits and veggies. Although make sure they are always fresh fruit and not canned in even a light syrup or their natural juices. The only way to get their natural juices is to eat them in their natural state. I would try to eat bananas too, they have the natural sugar and the potassium.
    I totally agree with the above posters. You need water in your diet it gets rid of the sodium and other impurities that you are getting from all the Pepsi Max, there are many options for flavor packets. If you go to any Walgreens you can get Wylers drink packets, all sugar free and more than 1/2 the cost of Crystal Light. There is also Hawaiian punch flavors as well, and there is also Walmart. Even unsweetened ice tea is better for you than Pepsi Max. I guess it's one of those things that I don't miss cuz I was never a big soda drinker. I always think back to the notion that if soda can clean battery acid off of a car battery then just imagine what it can do to your insides. I don't know about all of you but that Hawaiian punch grape flavored water is sounding good right about now.
  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    I wouldn't be drinking the Pepsi Max. It maybe sugar free, but does it contain HFCS? I agree with the Crystal Light. There are tons of choices and most are sugar/calorie free. This will help you drink a TON more water and it doesn't taste like water. But check ingredients before making a decision to drink any kind of soda. Good Luck!
  • If i eat lots of fresh fruit which is what i'm trying to do as i have a sweet tooth and it stops me eatting 7 choc biscuits at a time it will say i'm using to many of my daily sugars ...does this mean i will put on weight ???.
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