Hopping back on the boat and looking for friends!

I joined MFP January 2012 and managed to lose roughly ten pounds before falling off course. Over the past year, I've not only gained that back but another ten as well. My 20s are supposed to be some of the best years of my life and I'd like my body to match my mindset! So here's to a second, more serious! attempt.

I'm shooting for four cardio days a week and I've talked to the head of the Powerlifting team so I can start learning proper form for weightlifting (woo muscles!!).

Please feel to friend me if you're around a similar age, share a positive outlook, and are ready to kick some serious butt. :)


  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    Hey! Sounds kind of similar to my story actually, though this is my first time on MFP. I've lost weight a bunch of times only to put it back on when I fall out of the routine of working out and eating well. Lots is different for me this time around, and my whole is to change my lifestyle into something that's easy to maintain and will lead me to optimum health. I'm also in my early 20's and I get what you mean about losing the flab so you can enjoy the best years of your life! Feel free to add me :)