New to MPF, Maybe my calories are too high?

I weigh 164 and I am 5'4". I don't think I am "overweight" but slightly chunky :) . My goal weight is 145. I build muscle fast and as my boyfriend says: my body will never be "skinny" because I am the "muscular, solid" type. I have been trying to lose weight for a while now and I have lost about 15 lbs since April 2012. One of my problems is I gain weight REALLY easily, like 5lbs in a few days is not uncommon. I am wondering if my calories are too high (1340 calories a day is my goal right now)?. Does any one else have the same body type as me and have had trouble losing weight? I am also new to MFP - it could be I need to give myself more time. I havn't quite got into the habit of tracking (work full time and working on my masters degree- sometimes I get lazy when it comes to tracking my food). My food intake since joining MPF hasn't really changed from what I normally eat and so far I've had a hard time meeting my calories, but have been over on protein every day, and sometimes fat . I don't eat unhealthy- usually whole foods and I try to get to the gym 5 days a week. Maybe a food scale needs to be purchased? I have lost NO weight in a month an 1/2, which is what brought me to this site.

Just looking for support, ideas and any guidance! Thanks!


  • Live4theLift
    When you go to the gym do you do the same workout? If so your body is very good at adapting and it will learn to burn less calories if you are regularly doing the same thing. Mix it up little haha. As far as calories, if you go to the gym 5 days a week your calories are way to low, your body would most likely try to slow your metabolism. I would bet your calories BMR would be close to 1900.
  • Dakryn
    Dakryn Posts: 155 Member
    hi, if anything, youre calorie goal is too low...Im 5 feet and I try to eat 1200-1400 and if I work out, that can still be to low...especially if youre at the gym working out five days a week...But just because the scale doesnt move, doesnt mean its not working...the scale for me didnt really move until after my first month. I lost two pound the first month total and then last week, I lost almost two pounds in a week...but I have noticed how my body feels and how my clothes feel on me...youre losing inches and building muscles. muscles do not weigh more than fat, they are just more you are on the right track, keep going and youll see success...
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