Anyone ever done Weight Watchers?



  • Tecia1970
    Tecia1970 Posts: 94 Member
    Warning: Long post and lots of rambling lol

    Thank you all for your replies. I've also done WW in the past and lost 47 lbs. on it. At that time, I had never stepped foot in a meeting. My mom was living 2,000 miles away and was doing WW so she basically taught me how to do it over the phone and sent me a points tracker and some helpful info. I eventually stopped and gained some back so I started going to meetings with a friend. Neither of us really cared for the meetings and were paying just to go once a week and weigh in but hey, it was keeping us accountable. You know the stop going, blah, blah, blah.
    Another thing I have noticed about guys are A LOT friendlier than the people on the WW message board. Most of them are snarky and just downright rude. If you dare mention anything other than WW they blow a gasket! Weight Watchers nazis! LOL! WW also likes to change the program every time you turn around! I can't even remember what the one I liked was called because they keep changing. It's the one where you have a certain amount of "target" points per day and then the 35 flex points that you can use a little at a time or all at once. I always saved mine for either a nice Sunday dinner or Friday night alcohol lol.
    But here I am 38 lbs from where I want to be and would really love to reach goal by June. Some friends and I have planned a girls weekend to the MS Gulf Coast and I prefer to not look like a beached whale when we are laying on the beach. It's doable.
    I'm back at the gym. I just got back from doing 45 min. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and then 15 minutes of leg presses and whatever that other thing was called lol. You sit and lean over and lift the bar. I also did a whole whopping 2 minutes on the elliptical. Now I know why I never see anyone on it! I wanted to stay an hour but I was the only one there until creepy guy came in. He came in and changed out of his t-shirt into a tank top but left his jeans on and was working out in jeans. Well, for the time he was working out. He went in the weight room and fiddled around for a couple of minutes, came back out where I was and proceeded to play a few minutes on this machine, a few minutes on that one, but for the most part he was just walking around doing nothing and kept looking over at me which made me very uncomfortable. I immediately got on the phone with my husband who told me to stay on the phone with him and come home.
    Thanks for those who added me! I am looking forward to us supporting and helping each other!