sore neck

I am on day 8 of the shred and on day 6 my neck started to hurt a little. On day 7 I could barely lay my head on a pillow cause them cords that come down the front of your throat were so sore. Today is day 8 and it felt a bit better until I did the 30 day shred and now it hurts quite bad tonight. I think it is from trying to do the crunches. Did anyone else have this problem if so how many days did it take for it to go away. I am sure not giving up its just that I find it hard to do as much as I should for the crunches cause it hurts so bad. Maybe I dont hold my neck right I am not sure. THis is all new to me i have never done anything like this ever before. I enjoy the 20 minutes it takes. THe time goes fast and I sure have improved alot since day 1. The first day was terrible really.