Intermittent Fasting



  • I do 20/4 and I love it. I start eating around 7pm and eat until 11pm. The hunger during the day stops after about a week. Now I'm never hungry during the day and my energy levels are totally fine.
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    never clicked so fast in my life bad thought it said fisting
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    i do 1-2 24 hr IF and do BCAA 3-4scoops during that period not to tamper with muscle mass and green tea and a gallon of water.

    I love it. I always feel amazing the next day
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I honestly didn't realize until recently, but this is how I eat. I generally don't eat until I've been at work for at least 3 hours, and sometimes closer to 4 (I work 12 hour shifts). And I wake up about 2 hours before work. I stop eating as soon as I get home. So I have about 14-16 hours in a day, depending on the day, where I'm not eating. I can't say as I love or hate it. I never actually knew that's what I was doing but I haven't had a problem with it.

    Hunger isn't usually a problem at work. At home, it can be, but not always. It really depends on how much I'm moving around or how bored I am in general. With 4 kids, I don't get bored alot, except when I have to stay up at night, like I am right now.
  • Hi! Ive been doing IF for a few weeks now and think it's the best thing since fried bread! Have lost almost a stone since beginning of Jan and feel great. I don't feel hungry on fast days but some people do. It gets better every time you do it. It's certainly the easiest way I've found of losing weight, so I should give it a go!!
  • kitoi
    kitoi Posts: 16 Member
    I've been doing a Lean Gains and Eat Stop Eat fasting for just over 2yrs. great for controlling callorie intake and getting results.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Hi! Ive been doing IF for a few weeks now and think it's the best thing since fried bread! Have lost almost a stone since beginning of Jan and feel great. I don't feel hungry on fast days but some people do. It gets better every time you do it. It's certainly the easiest way I've found of losing weight, so I should give it a go!!

    Yeah, me too. I'm doing the alternate day fasting (modified = 500 cals on down days) since 1 Jan and I'm down 20 lbs since then.

    It is, for me, a super easy way to get a calorie deficit. Oddly, I almost have more energy on down days (after the first 2 or 3) and get a lot of work done.
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    ... Skipping breakfast has proven advantageous because it helps me stick to my calories with less hunger, and pretty much eliminated the food obsessions that I was developing with mini-meals (in 2 hours, what can I eat...then what's next, in 3 hrs after that? on my mind ALL DAY LONG). I get higher satiation from big meals, and I find it easier to balance my macros in a couple big meals than all day long.

    ^ All of this, especially bolded....I'm doing 14.5/9.5 on weekdays (just how it works with my job) and somewhere around 18/6 on weekends.
  • AKDonF
    AKDonF Posts: 235 Member
    :smile: Leangains is amazing. It may not be for everyone, but I have strong opinions on the results and I have tried a LOT of different strategies. Willing to give opinions and help if others want help/support.

  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    16:8 here. The first week was rough because I used to eat 5 small meals a day for almost a year. Switched to IF for practical reasons, i.e. I don't have to log as much and I need to hit all my macros in only two big meals.

    I like IF and it's a sustainable lifestyle for me. :flowerforyou:
  • Kmenczynski88
    Kmenczynski88 Posts: 70 Member
    I've been doing a Lean Gains and Eat Stop Eat fasting for just over 2yrs. great for controlling callorie intake and getting results.

    This. I have been doing it for about 7 months now... did it through a successful cut, and now I am currently clean bulking with it. I love the flexibility and not having to carry 40 different tupperware containers to work and out with friends. I also seem to benefit more from eating 2 huge meals as opposed to 6-7 small ones where i could be hungry 5 minutes after putting down a meal.
  • I've done short fasts (3-5 days) and I really feel much better at the end. Our church encourages a 10 day fast once a year, but I haven't been brave enough. Maybe I'll try but include protein supplements and vitamins.

    But to answer your question, I felt better (especially the last 2 days) and lost 4-8 pounds. If I stay low carb that weight stays off, but if I'm sloppy with my eating then it comes back.
  • This is a great BBC documentary about intermittent fasting and the results/benefits that you can achieve.
    To revive an old thread....
    I have done alternate day fasting all through January.
    I now had my blood checked. "bad" cholesterol is still a bit high. "good" cholesterol is also high, making the overall picture still not bad. But why is my "bad" cholesterol high? Obviously IF is not a silver bullet either....
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    This is a great BBC documentary about intermittent fasting and the results/benefits that you can achieve.
    To revive an old thread....
    I have done alternate day fasting all through January.
    I now had my blood checked. "bad" cholesterol is still a bit high. "good" cholesterol is also high, making the overall picture still not bad. But why is my "bad" cholesterol high? Obviously IF is not a silver bullet either....

    Your diary is closed, but:

    1. Check your exercise - increasing that should (as I understand) help with the bad cholesterol
    2. As I understand - reducing "fast" carbs (bread, pasta, rice, cookies :) ) may help too (maybe triglycerides?)
    3. Maybe just read back through your food and see how your diet looks in general (maybe it is a supply-side issue?)

    Did your good cholesterol go up over the month? Did your bad cholesterol go down?

    I have some tests coming in early April and I'm interested in seeing what sort of progress I get.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I do the eat within a small window type most days without trying. I just love sitting down to one huge meal a day. Then I go work out an hour or two later with all that energy. Then I'm usually set. But I find that if I do get really hungry and not just mildly hungry later I will be ill and fatigued next day if I don't have a second meal, so when I need to I eat again.

    Also, I sleep great on an empty stomach now and horrible on a full one.
  • To revive an old thread....
    I have done alternate day fasting all through January.
    I now had my blood checked. "bad" cholesterol is still a bit high. "good" cholesterol is also high, making the overall picture still not bad. But why is my "bad" cholesterol high? Obviously IF is not a silver bullet either....

    Your diary is closed, but:

    1. Check your exercise - increasing that should (as I understand) help with the bad cholesterol
    2. As I understand - reducing "fast" carbs (bread, pasta, rice, cookies :) ) may help too (maybe triglycerides?)
    3. Maybe just read back through your food and see how your diet looks in general (maybe it is a supply-side issue?)

    Did your good cholesterol go up over the month? Did your bad cholesterol go down?
    Thanks. My diary is open to friends.

    Exercise -- I'm forbidden to run or even walk too much, can only swim in moderation, I did cycle 100km in the week that my blood. Was taken and generally did some similar cycling all January. Oh the times when I will be able to run again!

    Carbs -- I have had instructions by my GP to up my carbs again after they were very low -- fibre-rich carbs that is. Cookies -- I have hardly any ever -- rice -- today the first time again in about a month -- pasta -- well occasionally -- usually no more than 100g per day of homemade whole meal bread from rye, wheat, oats, with sourdough. An apple every day. Sometimes even on fasting days.

    Ok, just posting this because the "lower your carbs" message is so pervasive here and everywhere and in the opinion of my GP the wrong one for me at this point.