Need help

I've been active here consistently for a month and have been really dedicated to losing weight. Over the last month, I've become discouraged because I got the stomach flu 3 days ago but have gained weight. I've been keeping on track within my calories and was working out, of course not now while I'm still recovering. My husband is deployed and coming home in just a few months! I am in need of friends to motivate and motivate me.
I'm not giving up! I refuse to I just need people to talk to about this.


  • Good for you!! Don't read into the scale too much, the number on there could be higher for a whole slough of different reasons!
  • mlima14
    mlima14 Posts: 112 Member
    I agree with Carly sometimes we loose inches and the scale stays about the same. Here for support if needed. :)
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    I welcome new friends!! Feel free to add me!