At what point is a "Plateau" a "Plateau"?

Hello everyone, long time reader, first-time poster.

The long and short, I -know- I'm supposed to weigh in once a week or so. But that said, I do enjoy a tiny nibble of instant gratification - so I've been keeping an eye on it every day, with the full understanding some days I might go up. That said, I've had 5 days straight stuck at 207.8lbs.

I'm wondering approximately how long a 'weight loss plateau' has to last before I should probably recognize it as one, and make some changes. (I weigh first thing in the morning, hormones shouldn't be impacting me at this point, and I've been keeping my sodium levels down.) I don't want to make drastic changes if this kind of mini-plateau is normal, and nor do I want to wait 3 weeks to find out it's not likely to budge from this.

(Edit: I tried to open up my diary, just in case. I don't record my water consumption, it's around 1 - 2L per day. I also take a multi-vitamin to make up for the potassium deficit as well as the calcium.)

Thanks in advance!


  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Five days does not a plateau make. I think people usually consider about 4 weeks stalled as a plateau. Five days is nothing. I don't typically show weight loss each day--for whatever reason, it all comes at once at the end of a week for me.
  • Luper -

    Thanks so much. Perspective helps, that's what I was hoping to find out. I'll see what happens for the next two weeks or so and then make changes if I need.

  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    I agree. 5 days is not a Plateau. If you are feeling down about it, then switch things up a bit. Such as....If you normally eat your big meal at night, try eating it for breakfast or lunch instead. If you normally walk 2 miles a day then try an aerobics class or DVD. Just change things and make your body guess what you are up to. That is the general first steps in breaking a plateau anyway
  • I wouldn't consider 5 days at the same weight a plateau. 4-6wks with no weight change would be a plateau in my eyes. I've stayed pretty much the same weight for 3wks now and don't consider myself to have "stalled" at that weight; however, I'm very close (4lbs) to my target and within normal BMI range at present, so any further weight loss is going to occur incredibly slowly!

    I guess it depends on your diet and exercise plans, and how close you are to your target weight etc as to whether you're expecting too much at present or whether there is room for improvement. IIWY I would review it after 4wks, no sooner :)
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Plateau is usually 4 weeks or more. I weigh daily but for other (medical) reasons, and it can be frustrating seeing that same number pop up every morning. Even when I was in losing mode I would see the same number sometimes for 10 days before I'd see a loss. Frustrating but normal. I'd rather stay the same, than see an upswing. It is discouraging to weigh everyday while trying to lose if you can keep it to once a week it might help your spirits. The scale can sometimes be a lousy indicator of our over all success. Wishing you the best!
  • Everyone above has given excellent advice! Doesn't sound like a plateau yet for reasons listed above, but also remember that as you lose weight and your body becomes more efficient, you will burn less calories and weight won't fall off as quickly. It's possible your weight loss is just slowing down a little (nothing to be too concerned about). I say switch up your workouts, try new things to challenge yourself, and don't stress over the numbers. I like to look at my weekly total for calorie intake because its easier for me to stay under on the average of a week then every day. There are a lot of reasons why your weight might have stalled out, but you still are doing things right because the numbers on the scale aren't going up!