Exercise question?

Why is it that we burn more fat faster when we workout and net 1200 calories but burn less fat when we don't workout and eat 1200 calories? If we are netting 1200 calories with or without exercise, why does working out speed up the process?


  • particleastro
    particleastro Posts: 68 Member
    Damn good question. You've kinda stumbled ontp the bid lie that the fitness industry and the media dont like to talk about.

    Basic answer is hormones. Without wanting to sound too muck like s quack hormones essentially control energy release and storage. Your hormonal profile is different after a meal, after exercise, after sleep, pretty much changes all the time.

    Exercise in particular is useful as the hormonal changes brought about can lead to an in crease in insulin sensitivity in muscle cells, meaning that any 'nutrients' are shuttled into muscles cells rather than fat cells (old Chinese proverb : walk 100 steps after every meal and you'll live to be 99).

    Different meal compositions can also lead to different hormonal changes (i.e meals with different fat, protein and carbohydrate ratios).

    Let me know if you want to talk any more about hormones, its an involved subject and too much for a thread response!

    Good Luck,

    P.S I dont have my glasses on, sorry for any spelling errors...
  • simplyshrinking
    simplyshrinking Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you very much!! :)