Hi! I'd like to introduce myself :)

Hi! everyone!

first of all I think this is just great!!!!

I had a car accident 2 years ago and broke a vertebra and nose/forehead... it was sooo tough getting back in shape!!! I want to be my "old" me again! I survived a change of country, bad marriage, separation, moving, and now I am going through a real bad moment at work (I am missing 4 months of wages!!!!) I have to decide if to leave beautiful Italy or not! in the meanwhile, I have no money to go to the gym or for therapy for my back and I eat and eat and eat!!!
Now I say STOP!!!
If I feel good, I can fight the world, so I started using MyFitnessPal and it has become my new best friend.

I wish you all a great : in bocca al lupo!!!!
