What the heck am I doing wrong?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

For the past few weeks I've been completely plateaued! (And before you look at my food diary and yell at me, it's at doctor's orders that I stick between 1,000 and 1,200 calories per day unless I add on more from exercise. Sometimes I have a hard time even reaching that because of the extreme low calories in the foods they put on this diet...it's basically just veggies (non starchy ones) and meat (non fatty ones), but they said that's ok as long as I'm really eating (I AM! A LOT!) and I'm not hungry (I'm really not...I feel like I eat all day!)).

Other than yesterday (when I completely snapped and ate pizza and bread), I've been following this stupid diet they put me on to a tee for almost two months! For the past few weeks, I've been going to the gym EVERY DAY and sometimes even TWICE a day! And, honestly, the exercise seems to be what stopped the weight loss....which doesn't make ANY sense!

And yet the scale isn't budging! It moves half a pound down, and then a pound back up...I think I've literally lost 1 pound in the last 2-3 weeks.

I'm not going to give up, but I'm hoping these tears that want to come out actually weigh something! :sad:


  • bassetthound09
    bassetthound09 Posts: 10 Member
    I am having a similar issue. I have been on a 1200 calorie per day along with exercise 3 times per week. The first few days I was real excited because I lost a pound almost immediately. I haven't lost anything since. I am not going over my calorie budget at all. What is the heck am I doing wrong. All I need to loose is 20 lbs and I can't even loose 2.
  • BaysiderNY
    BaysiderNY Posts: 66 Member
    I am having the same issue too. I've been eating really well and sticking to my 1200 calories.I also eat low cal food because that's what I prefer. I don't eat any desserts at all. Just don't like it. And been exercising 5 days a week. I am drench sweat some days.. but the scale seems to not move. Not just scale, I am also not losing any inches. Clothes are still the same. What am I doing wrong?
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    doctors are human too - and don't know everything. my experience is eating too little (which to me it sounds like you are - it deosn't make it right just because a doctor said to do it - they f' things up all the time!) doesn't help you lose weight. When I have plateaued, I have usually had to increase my calories. I amc urrently eating around 2000 calories a day, still losing (slowly, but that's because I don't have too much left to lose)..... not eating enough is like trying to drive your car without gas. doesn't produce your desired results. if your body is feeling like it's not getting enough, your metabolism slows, and you HOLD ON TO what little bit you put in.

    also to the other poster - the less you have to lose the harder it is!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Is there some medical reason that he has you on so few calories, or is this just his recommendation for losing weight?
  • Controversial
    Controversial Posts: 157 Member
    Why did they put you on this diet? And since it doesn't appear to be working, do you feel you NEED to stick with it?
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    Do you notice the trend here? Everyone who is having a hard time losing is eating too few calories. Figure out your BMR and your TDEE. Make sure you NET somewhere in the middle.


  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    For the past few weeks I've been completely plateaued! (And before you look at my food diary and yell at me, it's at doctor's orders that I stick between 1,000 and 1,200 calories per day unless I add on more from exercise. Sometimes I have a hard time even reaching that because of the extreme low calories in the foods they put on this diet...it's basically just veggies (non starchy ones) and meat (non fatty ones), but they said that's ok as long as I'm really eating (I AM! A LOT!) and I'm not hungry (I'm really not...I feel like I eat all day!)).

    Other than yesterday (when I completely snapped and ate pizza and bread), I've been following this stupid diet they put me on to a tee for almost two months! For the past few weeks, I've been going to the gym EVERY DAY and sometimes even TWICE a day! And, honestly, the exercise seems to be what stopped the weight loss....which doesn't make ANY sense!

    And yet the scale isn't budging! It moves half a pound down, and then a pound back up...I think I've literally lost 1 pound in the last 2-3 weeks.

    I'm not going to give up, but I'm hoping these tears that want to come out actually weigh something! :sad:

    the main thing you are doing wrong is being impatient.
  • rhiannmd
    Guys, your probably building muscle. Your percentage body fat has probably gone down but the increase in muscle is making your weight stay the same for now.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Who put you on a diet? And what kind of diet is it?

    You for sure aren't eating nearly enough!!

    **Apparently I missed the doctor part, sorry!!
    I'd get a second opinion.

    Eat at a moderate deficit, put your settings to 1.0-1.5 pounds per week for a loss, and eat those calories. Eat at least half of the exercise cals (the estimates are rather high).

    Is there a specific reason your doctor has you eating so low?
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Ask your doctor to refer you to a Registered Dietitian. Most doctors receive well under the recommended 25 hours of nutrition education. You need to be speaking to a specialist.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Add me to the chorus of voices suggesting you calculate BMR and set your net calorie goal to AT LEAST to that amount.

    Try it.

    No, really.

    Take the leap and try it for awhile.

    I think you'll be glad you did.
  • ldicianno
    ldicianno Posts: 13 Member
    this was my post this morning....... (I'm 45 5'8 female)
    "Ok I really want to cry I weighed myself this morning still 170!!! I don't f'ing get it??! what am I doing wrong? I bust my *kitten* at the gym I'm eating at or close to my goals. I understand plateaus but not when you start a diet!! WTF I've been exercising pretty much everyday since jan 2 and really watching what I eat except for maybe two or three days. I really cut back on my drinking."
    I tried the TDEE and it says i should be eating 1800 to lose but i cant believe it!!
  • stephaniebreaux18
    I've been dieting for years. I tried the 1000-1200 and didn't lose nothing.

    I increased it to 1400-1500 and have been slowly losing. I just had a baby 4 months ago and have lost 25 pounds of the weight already. So, I'd recommend upping your calories a bit more and exercising.

    If you eat too little for your body, it will put you in starvation mode. This is the only thing I can think of. Of course, everyone is different, but this worked for me!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Guys, your probably building muscle. Your percentage body fat has probably gone down but the increase in muscle is making your weight stay the same for now.

    Wrong. It is extremely difficult to gain muscle, especially eating at such a high deficit. Someone new to lifting may gain a bit, but not enough to mask fat loss.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Watch this over and over. LEARN it.


    Calculate your TDEE.
    For weight loss.. minus 20% from your TDEE and eat that.

    Figure out your BMR - and NEVER net below it.. The video explains all this!! Please watch :flowerforyou:
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Do you notice the trend here? Everyone who is having a hard time losing is eating too few calories. Figure out your BMR and your TDEE. Make sure you NET somewhere in the middle.




    watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYi9xjIRvbY
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Guys, your probably building muscle. Your percentage body fat has probably gone down but the increase in muscle is making your weight stay the same for now.

    NO... You can't build muscle on a calorie defiict (ok, maybe newbie gains but not long term) and the OP, as a woman, will have an even harder time building muscle. The reason people plateau or have gains when they first start exercising is because the muscles retain water as part of the natural healing process. Think of it like when you twist your ankle, those tissues are inflamed and swell, right? The same thing is happening with your sore and tired muscles, it's just not as visible because it's spread over a larger area.
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    It's this diet doctor that my friends have all gone to...and they've all successfully lost TONS of weight! One lost 80, one lost 50, and I'm not sure about the other...

    To be fair, I have less to lose than they did. I'm down to needing to lose between 20 and 40 pounds (20 will get me into the healthy range...40 will put me closer to the bottom of my healthy range...)

    For the first month, I wasn't allowed to eat anything except fish/meat, non-starchy vegetables and 2 servings of fruit per day. I lost 18 1/2 pounds that first month. Since then I keep losing and gaining another 2 pounds and I seem to be stuck around 20 pounds of weight loss. (The rest on my ticker was from before I started this diet).

    Now that I'm past that first month, I'm allowed to eat a few more things, but I also had the food sensitivity testing done which took away a lot of my options...I can't have anything dairy, I can't have eggs, etc. I'm allowed more fruits now (in moderation) and I'm allowed a little more starch (again in moderation...like a serving of carrots once a week...stuff like that). And I was finally told yesterday that I can add in some more of the good carbs (again in moderation...a small serving of brown rice once a week...half a sweet potato...)
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    It looks like to me that you are already exercising quite a bit. I don't think I ever exercise enough to warrant an additional 1000 calories+ added onto my MFP total. Does the doctor realize you are doing that much work?
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    For the past few weeks I've been completely plateaued! (And before you look at my food diary and yell at me, it's at doctor's orders that I stick between 1,000 and 1,200 calories per day unless I add on more from exercise. Sometimes I have a hard time even reaching that because of the extreme low calories in the foods they put on this diet...it's basically just veggies (non starchy ones) and meat (non fatty ones), but they said that's ok as long as I'm really eating (I AM! A LOT!) and I'm not hungry (I'm really not...I feel like I eat all day!)).

    Other than yesterday (when I completely snapped and ate pizza and bread), I've been following this stupid diet they put me on to a tee for almost two months! For the past few weeks, I've been going to the gym EVERY DAY and sometimes even TWICE a day! And, honestly, the exercise seems to be what stopped the weight loss....which doesn't make ANY sense!

    And yet the scale isn't budging! It moves half a pound down, and then a pound back up...I think I've literally lost 1 pound in the last 2-3 weeks.

    I'm not going to give up, but I'm hoping these tears that want to come out actually weigh something! :sad:

    I can tell you're pretty frustrated, and I don't blame you at all. I'd be frustrated if I were in your shoes.

    You didn't mention anywhere in your post about other measurements - waist, hips, thighs, etc.. Have you taken any of those? I found last month that, while the scale didn't budge, I actually lost an inch off my waist. Perhaps your measurements have changed as well and you don't even know it! If you haven't taken any body measurements yet, go ahead and start now. That's a good way to track progress that won't show up on the scale.