P90X and other Training Together

Anyone every do P90X and still train for long distance events? For example, I am in the middle of triathlon and half marathon training, but was planning on starting P90X. Has anyone ever done anything like this successfully? Everyone I have talked to so far says I am crazy...am I?


  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
  • Amyann44
    Amyann44 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and training for a half marathon. I dont think its crazy. Although its only been a month so I dont know how successful I will be. Good Luck!
  • girlsrun
    While Ironman training I used P90x but not everyday. It was too much. I loved the plyometrics, yoga, stretching, and abs. Focus on your "A" race and if you can squeeze some P90 in on easy days then do it. I think it helps with core and balance.
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    I just started a P90X/Insanity/Half Marathon training regime. I only have 5 weeks to go until my half though so I'm not sure how this will turn out...hoping for the best though. I think as long as you get ample rest, eat enough calories, and train legs at least 2 days before the long runs we should be good.
  • ddeleonm09
    ddeleonm09 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm doing P90x and 30 day shred together and that gets me exhausted. I can only imagine how tired you will be doing both. If you do decide to do it then make sure you set aside time to rest and get enough sleep.
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    After finishing P90X a couple times I used it as maintenance. I would do upper body workouts on Mon and Wed and then run on Tue and Thur. Fri would be Yoga day and Sat or Sun would be long run day. It can be done but you will miss out on the rest of the workouts if you have not done them before.

    If you have not completed the program maybe substitute the cardio workouts in on Friday in place of Yoga and rotate them?
  • ddeleonm09
    ddeleonm09 Posts: 93 Member
    Wow awesome job!
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    After finishing P90X a couple times I used it as maintenance. I would do upper body workouts on Mon and Wed and then run on Tue and Thur. Fri would be Yoga day and Sat or Sun would be long run day. It can be done but you will miss out on the rest of the workouts if you have not done them before.

    If you have not completed the program maybe substitute the cardio workouts in on Friday in place of Yoga and rotate them?

    First, grats on completing a couple times.

    Second, I see your point, but I really want to complete the program and fit in my training...my thoughts are....

    1. Follow P90X classic calendar, then in addition to P90X stuff....
    2. Long run on Sundays
    3. Long swim on Thursday mornings
    4. Long bike on Saturday
    5. Tempo/Speed Run Wednesday mornings / afternoons
    6. Not sure on the additional swim and bike yet...
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I'm doing P90x and 30 day shred together and that gets me exhausted. I can only imagine how tired you will be doing both. If you do decide to do it then make sure you set aside time to rest and get enough sleep.

    Yeah, going to be interesting fitting in enough sleep...I typically don't get more than 5 hours ever
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    IDK, olympic atheletes are training nearly all day long sometimes.

    overtraining is real of course, but the point where it becomes detrimental is going to be different for everyone.

    i say go for it. just make sure you eat a reasonably high amount of calories and watch out for signs of over training.

    although you do a lot of weight lifting, p90x is not a mass building program, so its not like its diametrically opposed to distance running.
  • colelea40
    colelea40 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't do tri's but doing P90X has helped with endurance and strength in my long distance runs. Listen to your body...
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    IDK, olympic atheletes are training nearly all day long sometimes.

    overtraining is real of course, but the point where it becomes detrimental is going to be different for everyone.

    i say go for it. just make sure you eat a reasonably high amount of calories and watch out for signs of over training.

    although you do a lot of weight lifting, p90x is not a mass building program, so its not like its diametrically opposed to distance running.

    I think my major concern is getting enough Fat and Protein in my eating...I never come close to my required amount of daily Fat and from other forums, I need to at least double my protein, which I have a hard time meeting it right now. Calories overall shouldn't be an issue though.

    I know when my body is tired...but never been really good at identifying over training...that is something else I am reading up on now too.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    IDK, olympic atheletes are training nearly all day long sometimes.

    overtraining is real of course, but the point where it becomes detrimental is going to be different for everyone.

    i say go for it. just make sure you eat a reasonably high amount of calories and watch out for signs of over training.

    although you do a lot of weight lifting, p90x is not a mass building program, so its not like its diametrically opposed to distance running.

    I think my major concern is getting enough Fat and Protein in my eating...I never come close to my required amount of daily Fat and from other forums, I need to at least double my protein, which I have a hard time meeting it right now. Calories overall shouldn't be an issue though.

    I know when my body is tired...but never been really good at identifying over training...that is something else I am reading up on now too.

    Have you thought about using whey protein or bars? I know whole foods are preferred (I prefer them, anyway), but sometimes supplementing protein makes it easier to meet your needs.

    I haven't trained for an endurance event before, but I completed P90X lean last spring and have just begun my second round (this time I am doing P90X classic). I can tell you that it can be a very intense program, and adding other workouts to it can tire you out pretty quickly. But hey, give it a try. If you become exhausted, you can always just do the weight training circuits and leave out the cardio. I would still do Yoga X, though...the flexibility and balance training of Yoga X is great for overall fitness.
  • Lsteedly85
    Lsteedly85 Posts: 76 Member
    I've completed P90x 3 times now... While training for a marathon, I eliminated the leg routines, plyometrics and legs / back when I got into higher mileage... I'm fairly new to distant running so my legs couldn't handle the added pressure... Your body will tell you if you are doing to much and just listen and back off when needed...
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Dana...I actually use GNC Wheybolic Extreme...it gives me energy, 20g protein per scoop (3 scoops per serving). I currently only do 1 scoop, but will probably up it to 3 when i start. Still can't figure out how to get the fat I need. Maybe a couple pounds of olives...mmm, yum.

    Lsteedly, I'll keep that in mind...I am not really new to distance, but then again...you're talking about marathon distance...distance for me is half marathon.

    I honestly think that if I find that I can't do both at the same time, i will probably just put off P90X until after my Tri. But, I am trying to be optimistic. I really want to be able to do it all....but don't worry, I will listen to my body. When I wake up in the morning and can't move...I'll get the hint...maybe :tongue:
  • hauhaut901
    hauhaut901 Posts: 66 Member
    If your goal is that event and being top notch form for it , stuff like "insanity" would do you much better than p90x :) P90x is a bit more focused on strength so I'd def go with a "full" cardio/endurange program like insanity :)

    Also , unless you're on steroids , why on earth would you take 60g of proteins per "serving" :) it will all just get dumped away from your body , you can't synthesize it all.

    Also in case you fear body exhaustion , might I recommend some Glutamine before bed on an empty stomach for fast muscle recovery (fights soreness) , some TriFlex for your recovery/pre-emptive against possible body fatigue and , if needed , a thermogenic energizing supplement like Thermo Burst hardcore (All 3 are from GNC , since you said you already get protein from them :) )

    Just my 2 cents
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Thanks for the comments. The 60g would not be in 1 sitting. I usually take 20g before an intense workout, and it works wonders for me. My plan is to do 20 before and 20 after, and then 20 more before my 2nd exercise session. So, it would be spread out through the day. Also, I am using Endurance Vitpaks from GNC, so I have all of those covered...I think. Need to look into TriFlex, but I think one of the pills handles that.

    I guess I'll look into Insanity...but I have the P90X stuff, so we'll see...hate having to get another expensive workout thing.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    bit torrent

    i think insanity would much better support running goals as well
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Thanks, and darn, guess I'll check out Insanity then. I am pretty much setup for P90X though, so I may still try it out. Guess I should have asked all of this stuff before I committed myself to doing P90X...oops.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    its up to you. p90x is really only one day of cardio. theres two, but kenpo x isn't a great cardio workout.

    Insanity is 5 days a week cardio.