5k Race...PANIC!!

jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay so about 6 weeks ago I signed up for a 5k run taking place in my city. At the time I had just started doing my own version of C25K (haven't found out where to get the actual weekly run schedule but was doing run/walk intervals.) I had never been able to "run" in my life (okay so it was really jogging, about 10-12 min/miles) and I was on such a rush from it, that I thought signing up for the race would be extra motivation to really stick with it and improve my pace. We also had to estimate a finish time, as they will be putting us into "heats" based on our speed, and I put 45 mins. To add to the motivation, I also got my 15 yo niece to run it with me...she's a natural runner and competes in PT for her navy ROTC at school. So yeah, real competition there, I knew it would give me a lot to work towards.
Well, race day is coming in 3 short weeks...and I am in a PANIC. I am still not able to even finish 5k jogging, my lungs just won't cooperate from the jarring effect of the asphalt. I breathe in through my nose, out through the mouth then get hit by a cool gust of wind that knocks my breath out, and I end up having to walk and cough like crazy (I have asthma). I stupidly thought I could just push through all of this and be able to run like the wind. To compound the issue, I have this recurring severe abdominal pain that will hit me with no warning, no obvious or consistent triggers, and no doctor has been able to diagnose the cause in 2 years. Yesterday I went out to train hard for this race. It was the first sunny day in awhile, I've been doing most of my training indoors on a treadmill and getting through just fine in about 35-40 mins., so this was kind of my test to myself. I knew it would be harder than indoors, but between the jarring of the asphalt and the wind, I was out of breath in no time, just kept pushing myself to finish and jogging for every other street-length. About half way through this pain in my abdomen flared up. At first I thought it was just the regular runner's stitch, and I focused on my breathing, put my hands over my head and continued jogging. But then I doubled over in pain, worse-than-labor pain, and my husband had to come pick me up and take me home.
I'm controlling the pain for now on pain meds, but I am freaking out about this 5k now. I don't know if I should just back out, losing out on the money I paid and letting my niece and myself down. Or if I should go and just anticipate walking the whole thing, which I know I can do because I walk 5k on my "rest" days from exercise. Or if I should attempt it anyways in which case what if this abdominal pain or my asthma flare up, and I have to have a medic in the middle of a 5k (so embarrassing and scary). I'm really disappointed and scared. What should I do?


  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    1. See your doctor. Tell him about your plan to run the 5k and about the issue during your last run. I know no doctors have been able to diagnose what the problem is but this is important.

    2. I would go for the race anyway if your doctor clears it. Take it slow... do walking/running intervals if you have to. I'm sure no one there will mind!
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Walk it! It's still an accomplishment to do and you need the exercise anyway, right?

    But before that, go to your primary care physician (general practitioner) and get something for the asthma like pulmicort or symbiacort if you're done with having kids (it's a teratagen).

    If the doc can't figure out what's going on with the abdomen, get a 2nd opinion or talk to some runners/trainers.
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    I would get checked out by a Dr. as well, just to make sure your clear for this 5k!

    Interestingly enough I did a "random" 5k a few weeks back. I started training using the couch to 5k program in January and injured my knees (bad sneakers). Anyway I was out of commission for about 3 weeks, from my knees and another 2 weeks just because I was a bit afraid to start running again if my knees were not ready. Needless to say my sister-in-law suggested we do a 5K just 1 day after I started running again.. I mean I was really on Week 3 of the program.. Long story short, I did it! I used the C25K podcast to get me through it, and I did it in run/walk intervals..

    If I can do it..You can do it! At least then you keep your promises to yourself and your niece!! Maybe in a few months you will do another one - and beat the time you initially set of 45 minutes! Once you have gotten the OK from your Dr. that is!:flowerforyou:
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Walk it! It's still an accomplishment to do and you need the exercise anyway, right?

    But before that, go to your primary care physician (general practitioner) and get something for the asthma like pulmicort or symbiacort if you're done with having kids (it's a teratagen).

    If the doc can't figure out what's going on with the abdomen, get a 2nd opinion or talk to some runners/trainers.

    I agree! You can walk it. I have walked a 5k and I have walked/jogged a 5k, you still finish in 45min or so and it's way fun! you can do it, don't stress!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    If no doctors have been able to diagnose the pain, I would find a good chiropractor. Mine has been able to fix things that a regular doctor would have sent me home for and told me "Put your big girl panties on and deal with it." Not my chiro! Push here, adjust there, magically better! TA-DA!
    Often I will call my chiropractor to fix me for something I know a regular doctor would just send me home for and tell me to rest. My chiro FIXES it.
    Anyway, enough glorifying chiropractics.

    I did my first 5k at the end of January in 20 degree weather. My best advice is to invest in a gator mask. It goes over your nose & mouth like a scarf, kinda, and prevents the cold air from getting it. Running in cold air is really hard on the lungs, even without asthma. After my winter runs outside, I would cough and wheeze like I had bronchitis the rest of the night.

    And just so you know, there is absolutely no shame in walking a 5k. With it being your first race, the goal is just to finish and finish strong!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hey everyone, thanks to your support and encouragement...I ran my 5k race this morning!!!! I finished in 43:34...less time than I'd estimated, and I was so proud of myself. There were a couple times during the running I didn't think I'd make it, but there were people everywhere cheering us on and I pushed through. Allowed myself plenty of walk intervals, and by the time it was all over I kind of thought I could go for longer. :laugh: I think I WALKED more after the race-spent 2 hours checking out the Cowboys stadium (the finish line was on the 50yd line, so awesome) -than I did during the race, so definitely a great workout today. So gonna keep up the training, get these health problems sorted out, and go for this again soon. :drinker:
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