Anyone heard of/tried/use Avesil?

I'm curious to find out if anyone has used or is using this product. I've been doing research to find something to help give me a boost thermogenically (safely), not something to use long term (only 2-3 months max) but to help curb the sweets cravings (I have NO willpower and my workplace is BAD for having them ALL the time) and up my metabolism a little without the shakes. Its more of a jumpstarter for me than anything.

Here's some of the stuff I found and this product is top rated on their reviews of products so I thought I would ask people here about it before doing the trial offer.

Please do not tell me I don't need it, etc. I will be the judge of what I do and do not need. I'm the one living in this body and know my habits and so forth. I am working to fix them but I am also battling against an environment (and time of year - winter) that is not condusive to my weight health and activity level at this time. I know how to eat right, I know how to excersise (and have been working on changing my habits to be better at both) but I need something to help give everything a jump start kick in the pants to get this fat-a** off the ground and back up to speed before Spring when I need to be going full throttle and not still slugging along.


  • shaleyn
    shaleyn Posts: 125 Member
    I've read the caffeine levels are high, so that'll get you moving... but so would a cup of coffee. Also, there's more than 200 complaints listed with the BBB about the company's billing practices. Not sure how it'll help with your willpower, but I guess that may come from the placebo effect.
  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member
    Unfortunately I can't stand the taste of coffee unless it's heavily sweetened with sugar and flavored creamer, thus making it not even worth drinking because I just voided the helpfullness of the caffinee with the calories of the stuff to cover its flavor :)

    Hmmmm, I didn't look at the BBB and will look into that as well. I was hoping to find someone who had used it and their results. I've seen testaments on the website I listed as well as online discussions by others of others (not sponsored hopefully by the producuer).

    Thanks for pointing out looking at that though. They have a 30 day free trial (and I know how those work and have read the 'legal language' about that too about cancelling, etc) Just sitting on the fence yet.

    I've read the caffeine levels are high, so that'll get you moving... but so would a cup of coffee. Also, there's more than 200 complaints listed with the BBB about the company's billing practices. Not sure how it'll help with your willpower, but I guess that may come from the placebo effect.
  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member
    Decided not to try this (at least not now). Going to try a trick a physical trainer told me to do. After breakfast in the morning, and half an hour before my workout, take a caffinee pill (like the generic stuff from Walmart or Jet Awake). Its about the equivalint of cup of coffee (since I don't like it, its better than gaining calories trying to doctor up the taste).

    It'll boost my metabolism during my workout and up my heart rate (I'm on the low side of normal anyway and have to really work at it to bring up my heart rate to 'optimum burn levels' during a workout)

    Besides, I've taken caffinee pills before and I don't get jitters.*shrug* I'm just wierd.

    So we'll give this a try for four to six weeks and see how it goes.
  • I read a review about Avesil on Consumer Health Digest. It looks like this product might be helpful but it has side effects like increased heart rate, gastric disturbance and sleeplessness. You must consult an expert before using such products.