I had the perfect body! 40 ain't the same as 20!! Help!

My hole life I've been thin and toned. It was not to hard for me, I exercised and ate healthy because both my parents struggled with their weight and I didn't want to fall into bad habits. As I became pregnant with our third child,I still had 10 pound I hadn't lost from the last baby adding on another 40 with the pregnancy. After having my little boy, I just couldn't loss the weight! I thought running around after a three year old and a one year old would help me burn off those pounds,like it did with the first baby! Problem is I had my first baby 17 years ago and I'm not in my twenties anymore and I've formed the bad habits I never wanted to have (my fault). Now I started this program but any good advice? 40 ain't the same as 20!


  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    40 is not the same as 20 but you can still do this. Be patient, it might take a little longer but it will happen.

    I encourage you to join a "group" that is a 40+ type group. These men and women really understand.

    Best of luck!!
