Hard time believing....

I have always been a "chubby" girl or a "curvy" girl. I have a very vivid memory from when I was a little girl.... my friend and I were sitting down and she pointed at my fat roll and asked what it was. I told her it was extra skin.... you know in case I got cold. She didn't mean any harm... we were maybe 7 or 8 years old. I have never been obese, but I have never been thin. Always chubby, curvy, "big boned", etc etc. You know the phrases. I always remember it bothering me too.... not becoming the focus of my life, but bothering me.

Fast forward..... 3 years ago I gave birth to my youngest son. During my pregnancy I gained 60 pounds.... about 6 weeks after giving birth, I lost 15 pounds. Then a little more and a little more. Then I got stuck and stayed at the same weight for about 2 years. I hated it.... I was a chubby girl.

I have been at this for 9 months and I am losing. I get worried the night before I weigh myself because I am afraid that if I gain, it will start the snowball rolling. I know that sounds silly.... but that is my fear. I am comfortable with my body again and proud of what I have done. I am so worried about going back to the chubby girl again. My wedding rings were falling off and it took me 2 months to convince myself that I needed to get them resized..... resizing my rings meant that I was fully committed to keeping this weight off. Not to mention the embarrassment of getting them sized smaller and then a year from now having to get them bigger.

Everytime I loose weight, I have a hard time believing that I am actually doing it. I think that maybe the scale is wrong or something. I always step on it twice just to make sure that I am reading it right. I have always wondered too if I am the only one who feels this. I know how hard I have worked and how easy it would be for me to fall back into the trap. Everyday I have to make a decision.... thankfully now the decisions are easier and easier.

I am only 7 pounds away from my goal..... the longest and heaviest 7 pounds of my life I think. I just hope that once I get there I will stay and not start gaining again. MFP is not only a life changer, but it has become a life partner to me. Even though I know what the healthy and not healthy choices are, the only thing that really keeps me accountable is MFP. I see people that I have friended that start this journey and then disappear and I am so thankful and glad that I am not one of those people. It feels really good to say that I have lost almost 30 pounds and that I look good!

Thank you to all of the people on here... just a little comment goes so long with me and I hope that I help others that way, too.


  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I 100% agree. Down to the whole snowball effect!

    It's amazing how we can prove ourselves wrong.

    You're amazing, and you will reach that goal. Whether it comes off fast or slow, the important thing is, you stuck with it and it will come off!
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I am right there with you, friend...this is my fear, too...I don't have to worry yet, because I am so far away from my goal, but I will get there...MFP has become my life partner, too....

    We've got this! :flowerforyou: