Les Mills Combat or Pump

I have been thinking of purchasing one of these for a while now but can't decide which one seems to be the most benificial. Right now I do a few classes at the gym in my building. I do a Total Body Conditioning class, a couple of Yoga classes, and a Barre class. But because I am rushed during my lunch hour I want to add more either before or after work and on the weekends. From what I can find they are very pricey and I can only afford one of them right now. I love lifting so I was thinking of getting Pump but I also like doing something that combines both cardio and weights.

For those of you who have done these which one is your favorite and why?


  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
  • jeannierylant
    jeannierylant Posts: 1 Member
    i have combat... i like it because.. it takes out alot of my frustrations.. and aggresion.. towards bills.. teenagers.. husband.. lol its worth 458 calories each time u do it...
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Ive done the Combat, but overall wasn't as much of a fan as i thought i would be. sure, you do a lot of cardio, but i missed being strong and feeling fit. Combat left me feeling a little more flabby than when I did p90x. I havent done Pump, but it has been very highly recommended to me by people i trust for health/fitness advice. i know there's more of an equipment need for Pump (as there is for p90x) as compared to combat, but i think it's worth it!
  • Ibarra951
    Ibarra951 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm a Team Beachbody coach so i'm familiar if not vaguely with most if not all the products. Les Mills Pump vs Combat are two very different animals. I've done Combat and it incorporates lots of martial arts and HIIT principals, Pump from what i've been told has more of a focus towards resistance (thus the bar).

    If your looking for total body conditioning, i'd recommend something more along the lines of Insanity. If you want to chose one of the Les Mills programs, i'd recommend Combat.
  • reshapemariah21
    reshapemariah21 Posts: 184 Member
    I really like combat. I've never done pump though so I can't really say that combat is better. I do like that combat incorporates strength training in the HIIT's and such. You definitely feel it the next day. I just did the power HIIT yesterday and I am sore all over! The HIIT's are the most intense part of the program but they're great. lol. If you're into the kickboxing style, then combat is definitely for you. :smile:
  • Ibarra951
    Ibarra951 Posts: 19 Member
    I really like combat. I've never done pump though so I can't really say that combat is better. I do like that combat incorporates strength training in the HIIT's and such. You definitely feel it the next day. I just did the power HIIT yesterday and I am sore all over! The HIIT's are the most intense part of the program but they're great. lol. If you're into the kickboxing style, then combat is definitely for you. :smile:

    Like Mariah said, the overall conditioning of Combat is excellent. But this goes along with any fitness program, what you get in is what you get out. People can tell you that Combat isn't that great and they didn't get awesome results, but if you really zone in and focus on the workout. Concentrate on form, make that mind-muscle connection during the workouts and really "Bring It!" (Haha, p90x...) every day, you'll get excellent results (as long as you incorporate an appropriate Nutrition Program).
  • ccolvin19
    ccolvin19 Posts: 10 Member
    Like several other people have mentioned, Combat is very fun! I just started it so I can't speak for every workout that they offer, but the ones I have done so far are awesome. The music is very high energy, the trainers are excited and energize you (plus they have awesome accents) and overall I am definitely feeling it after each workout; even the short ones! If you want some more detailed information or someone to support you as you are going through your workouts, feel free to friend and message me! I am going to be starting a challenge group soon and would love to have you be a part of it. Its a great way to have support and keep yourself motivated to stick with the whole program. Let me know if you have any other questions about it!
  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks everyone! I have never considered P90x. I've heard it is really, really hard and some of my friends said they actually got sick afterwards. While I am not a beginner I don't know if I could handle P90x and honestly not even sure what kind of workout it is. I do like a challenge though.