Healthy but filling breakfasts?



  • asizesix
    asizesix Posts: 134
    I usually have 2 packets of Quaker Instant Oatmeal (I love the Peaches and Cream one!) has lots of fibre and definitely keeps me satisfied for a few hours until lunch. It's about 250 cals - which I would consider a REALLY low cal breakfast.

    Although, I don't think people should focus on having a "low cal" breakfast - if out of any meal of the day, your breakfast should be the most nutritious and filling one filled with lots of protein and fibre. My ideal breakfast would have eggs, bacon, multigrain bread and some sort of yogurt or cheese ...or BOTH! Lol
  • islae2010
    islae2010 Posts: 37 Member
    I love the Kashi Go Lean cereal. I eat around 7 with 2 cups of coffee and am usually good until lunch. I also drink 3 8 ounce glasses of water from 9-12 at work.
  • AmandaW01
    I can't eat eggs, or anything like that in the morning (even though I'm English I can't stand the full breakfast thing :-) ) so my normal breakfast is porridge. I make a big serving made with semi-skimmed milk and water, then add a selection of fruit to it (apples, strawberries, blueberries, plums etc - whatever I have to hand) and sweeten with some honey. It fills me up until lunchtime and is absolutely delicious and also low cost (not sure about the price of food in the US but eating so many eggs... they cost a fortune here to eat that much!)
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    This happens to me too! Try nonfat Greek yogurt with a scoop protein powder and a tsp of peanut butter. That's so filling it makes me sick haha
  • phyllistheresa
    phyllistheresa Posts: 83 Member
    For the last few weeks I've been having a smoothie for breakfast consisting of:

    1 medium banana
    1/2 cup strawberries
    1/2 cup raspberries
    1 low fat greek yogurt
    1/2 cup skim milk

    I usually have that around 7 and it holds me over until my mid morning snack at 10.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Sometimes I make a fried egg, ham and cheese English wheat muffin. It's about 300 calories and is pretty filling for me.
  • chadgard
    chadgard Posts: 102 Member
    I take a different tack than most of the folks on this thread: I don't even try to make it to lunch, but instead try to get my metabolism up in the morning (a challenge!), and eat a snack around 10:00 to tide me over 'till lunch. Of course, you need to consider how much time is between breakfast and lunch, and your total intake and whatnot. For example, I'm going for 2090 calories net, which is pretty easy for me to hit, but sodium is really hard for me to get under control....

    Anyway, I go for some carbs, and a lot of micronutrients in the morning.

    First and foremost, drink a glass or two of water first thing! Then I have a fruit/veggie juice, typically a sweeter one heavier on fruits. For example, a very common one is 1 orange (including the peel, assuming organic oranges), 1 apple, 1 beet plus its greens, and 2-3 carrots. I split that with my wife, and it makes about 8-10 ounces of juice for each of us. Lots of micronutrients to get your body working efficiently first thing (and also I find starting the day this way makes me crave veggies instead of fat and sugar later in the day...), only 169 calories, and I don't feel hungry. The water is usually right after I get up, about 4:30, but the juice is just before leaving the house, around 7:45. I do chores in between.

    Lunch varies arround our school schedule, but most days I have early lunch, at 11:40. Between classes (9:55 to 10:05), I drink another juice I prepared in the morning. Usually a green one, for example, 1 cucumber, 1 tart apple (like a granny smith if I buy it, or a spitzenburg if I have any left... Still waiting for our orchard to produce much fruit...), a handful of spinach, and an inch or so of ginger root. That makes about 12-15 ounces of juice, and I have all to myself ;). 168 calories, and more micronutrients. I'm already at 100% of most of my vitamins and minerals at that point!

    That really keeps me going 'till lunch, with lots of energy, and usually I'm not all that hungry come lunch, when I go down to the dining hall and eat something really carby/fatty with tons of sodium because it's free. Then that meal knocks my metabolism down to about 1/2 a MET in the afternoon as I struggle to stay awake. Or, I'll have some of my chia fluff instead of lunch (3 parts chia seeds to 1 part homemade peanut butter, with one serving being a tablesppon), not get the satisfaction of chewing solid food and socializing, but feel a lot better in the afternoon. If I do that, though, I have to eat a huge dinner to take in enough calories for the day...
  • fitnotfluffy
    fitnotfluffy Posts: 213 Member
    Protein! How about an egg white scramble with a bit of cheese on a piece of toast? Honestly, the only thing I've found that keeps me full till lunch is a green protein smoothie. Maybe try taking small snacks with you! Beef jerky, string cheese, yogurt, piece of fruit...I could keep going on and on :)
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I had a large bowl of Special K with 2% milk. About 400 calories. It held me over to lunch with no problem.

    I usually have scrambled eggs, but I wanted something different today. Eggs hold me over until lunch as well.
  • aimeercole
    I had this problem too plus I needed something I could make at work and eat at my desk. I bring a portable container with a half a cup of plain oatmeal and mix in a scoop of protein powder (I am vegetarian so protein powder is the best way for me to get a lot of protein with minimal calories). I mix it with some hot water in the morning. It is the only thing I have ever tried that will get me from 9am until noon with being famished.
  • kelfer80
    kelfer80 Posts: 78 Member
    I LOVE EGGS!!!!
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    I've actually been occasionally eating a 1.2 c ff cottage cheese and 2 boiled eggs around 6am and I don't eat lunch until around 2 and I'm just then starting to get hungry. Days I run late though I just do a protein shake with frozen berries or something in it.
  • MissAnnieRosie
    I'm gluten free and eat these almost every morning, they are good, healthy and low carb. They are also quick to make and TASTY!

    Banana "Pancakes"
    1 large ripe banana
    2 eggs
    Honey/Syrup/Jam/Peanut Butter for topping

    1. Mash one ripe banana really well, until it looks like baby food.

    2. Add two eggs and mix both together really well.

    3. Mix in some cinnamon and vanilla.

    4. Cook on a hot, un-greased nonstick skillet. Wait until the top starts to bubble a bit, carefully flip, cook for another minutes, maybe a bit less.

    5. Top with something yummy.

    6. Eat and enjoy.
  • rvfamily4
    My favorite breakfast!
  • dixielawgirl
    dixielawgirl Posts: 437 Member
    bump for later!

    My typical rotation includes:

    - greek yogurt & fruit
    - protein shake
    - poached egg on whole wheat toast
    - scrambled egg burrito w/ cheese & turkey sausage
    - protein pancakes
    - overnight oats
    - bagel thin w/ peanut butter
    - homemade breakfast sandwich (egg, turkey sausage, cheese, tomato)
    - omelettes