Wheat Free - Day 3



  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I cut wheat last year and feel so much better I have no plans to add it back in. Ever. Why would I want to eat what makes me sick and causes me pain?

    I do not eat grains at all so I am also gluten-free. I am so happy with the way I eat now that I don't miss grains. I don't even bother to make breads using things like almond meal or coconut flour.
  • cam92460
    cam92460 Posts: 3 Member
    Greek yogurt with fruit--great protein, no fat. Also, I have cut out gluten but still eat oats (Bob's Red Mill makes certified gluten-free oats) or you can make a breakfast cereal with quinoa, milk and spices. You can also make an indian pudding with corn if you are nor avoiding that.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I wonder how this went with the original poster?
  • jenibab68
    jenibab68 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on day two of wheat free. I am craving soda and bread like crazy. :embarassed: So far so good resisting. :flowerforyou: I hope this passes in a week or two.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I've been gluten free since Aug. 2012, and grain free for a few months. I tried to put rice/oats back into my diet with bad results, I'll be grain free for life now. I have Crohns, so my body is pretty damn picky about what I can and cannot eat.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I am on day 2 of no wheat.. Reading wheat belly and decided to try it out.
    What do you guys do for breakfast? I've had scrambled eggs for 2 days in a row, i cant really think of much else..

    Trying to keep low levels of other grains as well but not eliminating.

    I don't usually eat "breakfast" foods. Sometimes I'll have eggs - fried, scrambled, boiled or omlette, with bacon, but usually I have leftovers from dinner the night before. Sometimes I'll cook up chicken, or have some tuna and fruit, or a smoothie, or a veggie juice. Depends on the morning.