Afraid to lose weight?



  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    I take the comments, "Wow your looking good!" as compliments. Here's why: I have great friends and family who have loved and supported me my entire life. I have no reason to suspect them to have ever thought I had a disgusting body. Self confidence can be a tricky fickle person, but in the end most decent people who compliment you on weight loss are not ever saying they thought you were once unattractive.

    I got married when I was a size 22. I got pregnant with my first child at size 26, my second child size 28. My husband has found me attractive at every size. (We were high school sweethearts) January 6th my husband and I began this journey to a healthier us. I started at 305.8. Now one month later I am 285. My husband makes comments about how much more energy I have, how my skin is glowing, and how much smaller I am when he hugs me. I never once thought to myself, "He must have thought I was a huge white whale before."

    Take the compliments as fuel. Eat them up, cherish that someone noticed you have changed and has taken the time to say something. Compliments should be a self confidence boost. Someone noticed how amazing you are!