

  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    The only reason I do burpees is because I don't have to do much else to make sure I work most of me, and sometimes I just don't have the time to screw around with much else. REALLY don't like them, as they make me feel like a very slow, very weak, very old person.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member

    It isn't that I hate them....or love them...I just feel so darn uncoordinated when I do them. I am SLOW, or so it feels.

    Thankfully I do them in the comfort and privacy of my own home so as not to injure my pride, possibly depriving society of their dose of comic-relief for the day.

    Like you, I am uncoordinated and slow when it comes to burpees. I am currently doing Jillian Michaels 6week 6pack dvd which has burpees in it and I am usually off in the timing. I'm going to have to really see how it is done to get the hang of them. I don't particularly like them, but they are supposed to be good at burning calories. Something we all want! But yes, I am glad I am doing them in the privacy of my home and I love your humor. :laugh:
  • Kelleybelley69
    Kelleybelley69 Posts: 43 Member
    I have to say that I LOVE BURPEES !!!!

    When I first started excersising I could barely do three in a row now they are one of my favourites and being able to do full leg or one leg push-up with them just makes me realize how far I have come in 5 months and I am proud of these accomplishments and so will all of you just stick it out :))
  • mariah_papaya
    mariah_papaya Posts: 39 Member
    Who "LOVES" Burpees!!? You're on crack. That being said, here's a wicked Burpee workout: 20, 19, 18... 3, 2, 1. For time.
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    I hate them.
    Haven't tried them since I started losing though, so I've thought about doing finishers with burpeed and see how bad my shape really is...
    ... probably still hate them afterwards :tongue:
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Back in 7th grade, they were called squat thrusts. That is the last time I did them, 7th grade. I am 35 now, so that tells you how many years ago that was. I liked them back then, but I am a lot heavier and less agile now. I want to do them, just have fear I'll break something, lol.

    The difference is in a true burpee you do a pushup as well. So squat down to put hands on floor, jump your legs out so your are in the pushup position, do a pushup, jump the legs back in to a squat position, rise from the squat position with a jump. Repeat.

    Really? I've never heard that before. I do them usually in the context of a crossfit metcon though, so doing the pushup would be slower and less efficient.
  • jorasims
    jorasims Posts: 75 Member
    Burpees are from hell but oh so good for you! They are no joke!
  • Katey911
    Katey911 Posts: 80 Member
    Well it looks like what my trainer & I call burpees are really cherry pickers according to what I saw above...doesn't matter, I still hate them!

    I'm always worried about my shirt riding up and I don't want to flash anyone my flab, so I tuck my shirt in and then of course my big belly is sticking out...so not only am I slow and awkward but they hurt me mentally too.

    My trainer has threatened me that any time I say "I can't!" I have to do 10 burpees...amazing motivation to keep my mouth shut! :)
  • Guurl
    Guurl Posts: 28 Member
    You are funny - also on CRACK!

    I hate them - I did them today though - it's a love/hate

    I thought I was going to throw up - but I'll be doing them again in 2 days

    Suckka !