Weight Loss 7 week challenge:

2012 I want to leave buried deep in my mind in terms of physical fitness. Between half of 2011 and all of 2012 stopped running. I use to love running ran marathons and was training for ultras. I picked it back up in December of 2012. I ran for 58 days straight. I have a physical fitness test coming up for a job and kind of stuck at 190 pounds. I want to try to create a more routine schedule and eating habit. So I am going back using My Fitness Pal and a journal to track my food for the day.
Question is it possible to lose 10 to 15 pounds in 7 weeks seems like a lot?
Any tips?
I can’t change my sleep habits only sleep for six hours a night.
However, I run 20-24 miles a week. I am trying to get back up to 50-60 miles a week. I run four days a week. I lift weights on a two day to three day rotation. By that I mean one week two days heavy sets at the gym. Second week three days on at the gym lighter sets more reps. I do sixty sit-ups and sixty pushups four times a week. I do once a week 30 minute set of exercise dedicated to stretching.
I eat six meals a day regularly pretty much never changes. I do have almond milk and pea protein shake on the days I lift at the gym. Other mornings it is just 2 packs of oatmeal, a banana, and almond milk. One weekend breakfast is six eggs for breakfast with veggies. Lunch is consistent with can chicken or tuna with regular mayo. I have celery and tomatoes with it on a pita or wrap. Dinner is chicken four times a week. In addition, I have fish once a week and red meat twice a week. Portion controls get out of whack here where I have too many carbohydrates. Try to have one bag of frozen vegetables. Then eat two sweet potatoes. Morning snack is nuts and a granola bar. Snack with lunch is a rice cake with peanut butter. Afternoon snack is cheese and a piece of fruit. Dinner is a yogurt and Jell-O. Last snack is fruit and almond milk again.