Gluten free, lactose, and diabetic

Hi My names is Donna and I am trying to lose weight and I am all the above and some days it is very hard. MY husband can eat anything and it is hard for me but have finally decided that this year is going to be for me. I am trying to get my A1C down below 7.1 and I just have no willpower and I know that I have to do it. I have diabetes in both of my eyes and before March 29th I have to get it down because I have to go to my retina specialist.

I am taking it one day at a time. I work at Wall Mat as a cashier so that keeps me busy so I my breaks and part of my lunch I walk the mall. As it gets nicer here in Vermont I will take the dogs out walking. I just hope that Spring will come soon. The other problem is that it is so hard for me to plan my meals as my schedule at work is so different every day. When I go in early that my lunch may be at 10:30 so some time I take my breakfast to eat in the 15 minutes that I have, which might be a gluten free bagel or English muffin that you have to aquire a taste for. I have checked carbs and they are 49g and to me is a lot.

I would be welcome any suggestions that any one can make.



  • I hear you! I'm off gluten, nightshade and a few other things due to RA. Of course my daughter and hubby aren't. The key for me is to try lots of different things and see what I like and will actually eat. I love quinoa but it's kinda expensive so I don't plan it in many of my meals. I love Udi's bread so I have that on hand. Also, rice cakes.

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