What do you reward yourself with?



  • roiLEI1554
    personally, i don't like to reward myself when i lose weight
    the weight loss simply acts as a motivation for me to do better

    i DO treat myself though! but it's more of a "scheduled" thing rather than a reward (fewer variance=fewer surprises)

    it's all up to the person (: i've heard some people like to shop, go out on a date, hang out with friends, etc etc
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
  • Peanutbutterx
    getting a massage is the best.. just thinking about it makes me want one
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I disagree with the non-rewarders it gives you something to push for. I personally am excited when I reach my next goal of 10lbs because it means I can buy the most gorgeous bottle of perfume to drench my new body to show appreciation for the hard work. I think to not reward yourself is silly! Weight loss is not easy why not make yourself feel special.
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    Shopping!!! Shopping for new size killer outfit! And have BF take me out to wine and dine on my new killer outfit!! Hoot hoot ~~~~ then it's back to sacrifice......... ;'(
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    A glass overflowing of new found self respect with a side of pride.
  • NPetrakis
    NPetrakis Posts: 164 Member
    I don't do a reward. I'm chipping away at my second goal weight now and I never considered it. Though now that i think about it maybe I should? If nothing else, hold off on a non essential purchase until a mini goal goes down? Don't know. Not a big deal for me i guess.
  • Mslibb
    Mslibb Posts: 69 Member
    As a former couch potato, I'm surprised to find myself rewarding and incentivising myself with new fitness things - heart rate monitor, new trainers, concession card for the swimming pools, iPod shuffle for workouts, sports bras... It's a nice change for me, as food and wine used to be my typical reward. My next reward will be a gym membership as I'd like to start lifting weights :)

    ETA: I don't really set mini goals, so I buy things as and when I need a little motivation or a pick me up.
  • UsernameStillLoading
    With small milestones, I reward myself with television.
    With bigger milestones I tend to do something frivolous. Last month I went to Disney On Ice (you're never too old to be a Disney fan).
    This month I'm going to go to a poker game (loosing money and loosing sleep is not a good combo, but it would be fun)
    I don't know what I will be doing next month, or for April...but for May, I will be seeing Monsters University (Pixar is for all ages).
    For April I might go road tripping during spring break. Still not sure on the details.

    But my rewards aren't just for fitness milestones. They are for everything in life. If I completed all my assignments, I deserve to take it easy. If I still have to knock out a to-do list, I should get on it. On Sundays, I tend to reward myself with an hour or more of sleep (given that I deserve it).
  • xMallie
    xMallie Posts: 208 Member
    Got to the halfway point in my main goal, so bought myself a pair of jeans from Just Jeans (they were on sale, but I was proud that they fit comfortably.) I bought them a bit tight so I had room to shrink :)
  • savbentley
    I reward myself with new Lululemon gear, protein, and preworkout. i'm not normal LOL.
  • JoniMartin
    JoniMartin Posts: 1 Member
    I think everyone should always have at least one pair of jeans that they feel.fabulous in.If you have lost enough weight that you no longer feel fabulous in your jeans....THAT should be your treat. Just one pair of jeans. You deserve it!
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    I giggle and get on with it. I don't like shopping I don't like spa's and I don't want to reward myself with food so I just keep going.