Goal Weight

When I first joined MFP, I was struggling with what to put as my goal weight. I am about 5'7" tall and weighed about 128 when I graduated college 30 years ago. I weighed 134 when I got married 28 years ago. Now I weigh 232. As I was thinking about my goal weight, I was thinking that I should get back to what I was when I got married, and it was so discouraging because that is almost 100 pounds! I never thought I was thin back then, but if only I could go back! I was just on a website today called Fat 2 Fit Radio and listened to a couple of their podcasts. Then I started looking around on their site and found a couple body mass calculators. You have to measure your height, weight, waist, hips, wrists, etc., and then it tells you your recommended lean body mass. I tried both calculators and they both said that my lean body mass should be around 170. That is so much more realistic to me and more within reach. It has given me a new burst of energy and confidence that I can do it. When I get to that goal weight, I can readjust if I think I want to lose more. I CAN DO IT!


  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    My goal weight is 135/140.

    I am 5'7".

    Starting was 160
    Current is 150
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    I'm 5 foot 6.5 inches and my final goal weight is in the 150s. I think that you'll be super happy when you get to 180, happier when you get to 170 and thrilled when you're in the 160s or 150s. If you can make it under that, great! If not, you'll be perfectly happy and healthy anyway!!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    That seems like a much more realistic goal. You can always reassess later. And every body is different, what # looks awesome on one person doesn't look good on another. Most importantly is how you feel!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I set my goal weight at the high end of 'healthy BMI' for my height. I will reassess when I get there.
  • mamat823
    mamat823 Posts: 1 Member
    I was also discouraged by the LARGE amount I needed to lose. So, I set my initial goal to a 10% weight loss. I figure it gives me a closer target to hit. My plan is to continue setting 10% mini goals until I reach my goal weight. So far it seems to be working....only 8 more lbs to my 1st 10%!!!!! Good luck to you!
  • MamaWeil2018
    MamaWeil2018 Posts: 62 Member
    set your goals in increments- it's much less daunting and I find it much more manageable and rewarding! Go in 5-10lb sets, and see how you feel after each. I know my weight loss is moving much more slowly than other friends on MFP but I'm almost at my first 5lb goal, which is encouraging enough to keep me going!
  • snightingale27
    snightingale27 Posts: 7 Member
    You're almost there! That's great! when I get down a few pounds, my goal won't seem so distant and hopefully that will motivate me.
  • snightingale27
    snightingale27 Posts: 7 Member
    That's a great idea. I know when I used to belong to weight watchers, they celebrated every 10 pounds, I think. That was always something to look forward to.