low back pain from using elliptical



  • earlyrun
    I started using my elliptical 6 days a week on Dec 10th 2013. On Jan 19th I started experiencing pain in my lower back near the left kidney, but away from the spine. Usually I can take Advil and work through muscle strain pains in a week or two. This pain did not respond to Advil or Alieve. It strikes when I am asleep and my body has totally relaxed, at which time I am awaken by a very bad pain and unable to sleep laying down. I consulted a urologist and went through several xray, IVP and ultrasound test checking for a kidney stone or issue, and was told the kidneys were fine. I have a suspicion that my pain is caused by the elliptical and have stopped using it as of yesterday. I suspect the elliptical because a couple of years ago when I first purchased the unit, I worked out about an hour a day for 5 day weeks and developed restless leg syndrome which went away when I discontinued using the machine. If I get no relief, I will see a chiropractor in a couple of weeks. I expect it may aggravate a nerve in my back. Too bad because I really like the elliptical workout.:ohwell: