Why am I always Bloated??



  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Gluten and dairy and a lot of water...I had never thought i had a problem with Gluten ( I am allergic to milk..and when i say that i don't mean im intolerant like everyone else i mean i get full blown rashes) until i stop eating them (being a ex vego i lived off them) swap meat for grains and i feel so much better, I mean their was times there that i wouldnt be able go toilet for days ( sorry tmi)

    Try it see how you feel, cut one thing at a time eg gluten for a couple of weeks if that doesnt help try dairy etc etc etc
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Could be wheat. Check out Wheat Belly book and web site. It's in a lot of food products. I have cut out and feel so much better.

    Definitely. I no longer eat any grains whatsoever and the only time I ever bloat nowadays is PMS time or if I haven't been drinking enough water.
    It's a bit hard to make any good suggestions without looking at your food diary, but you may also have a food intolerance and/or gut issues. Do you take a good multi-strain probiotic?

    I've just changed my food diary to public so feel free to take a look and see if I can make any changes.

    You seem to eat wheat products most days, so I would try to eliminate it for at least a couple of weeks. I would also try to eat as many whole foods (meat, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, good fats) as possible to get rid of the processed food. The human body simply doesn't know what the heck to do with all the chemicals in processed food. It's all about what the body can recognise and use for fuel and nutrition, not just to eat food-type-products to come in under a magical calorie number.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor. Especially if your belly is actually distended. Bloating is usually just a tiny bit of actual physical difference. Even if it is just bloating, a doctor can check for food allergies and all kinds of other things (a distended belly can signify things as serious as tumors and intestinal blockages and as trivial as backed up plumbing).
  • lovelee79
    I have the same issue. I'll wake up feeling "slim" or "empty" and even drinking a glass of water when I wake up and I am completely bloated and get a distended belly. As soon as I eat anything I look 6 months pregnant!! everyday for as long as I can remember! its horrible :(
  • sethswife21
    definitely watch the sodium intake and be sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, it will actually make you
    less bloated. hope that helps!
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    two words: gluten and dairy! remove those from your diet and your boating will go away. better yet, remove all grains (including corn) !!!!

    These suggtions are unhelpful to someone without lactose or gluten sensitivities.

    yes, these do cause bloating, but specifically to those with the issues I mentioned. OP, if you don't have gluten or lactose issues, you do not need to do this.

    Sorry, I missed her saying she has CONFIRMED that she doesnt have any sensitives. Also, grains can cause bloating even for people without sensitivities. My suggestions are not "unhelpful".