1 Month on MFP, and I am VERY happy !!

I have been using MFP for about a month now. It is truly an amazing tool. It has made me much more aware of what I am eating and when I eat it. That being said my goal was to loose 20lbs, and since I have already dropped 15lbs in 1 month. I am thinking about changing my goal. Not sure if I should wait until I break the 20lb mark, or should just keep my goal, and see where I "level off" at. I am sure at some point my weight will plateau.

Does anyone have input?

Have you changed your goal?

What is your 1 month weight loss?

I am also VERY happy that now MFP links to the Digifit app I use on my Ipad, and Iphone !!! :noway:


  • jgood21
    jgood21 Posts: 109 Member
    Nice job! It is funny how your goals change after a while. You think you can only do so much until you find out that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. I originally came here thinking I would lose like 20lbs top...then it became an obsession really. So over 100lbs later, here I am still chugging along. We already know you will lose the 20, so why not change it now? Good luck on your journey!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes I changed my goal to an extra 3lbs and I changed my deficit to be smaller as I got closer to goal weight. I can't remember how much I lost in my first month because that was a while back and I was using Weight Watchers then.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Great job. I also only started in January, I'm a woman though so I'm happy with the 5 lbs I've lost. To be honest I was afraid to get on the scale until the middle of January and found out my weight was higher than I thought so who knows it might have been even higher than that when I really started this all on Jan 1st. So I might have lost more weight. Who knows?

    Who cares though because I'm gonna be doing this a full year to reach my goal weight and this will seem inconsequential by then.
  • grillingirl
    grillingirl Posts: 81 Member
    I have lost about 11 pounds since Jan. 1, 2013. 8 of those have been since I started using MFP. You're right...it IS an amazing tool! Makes it real easy to keep track of calories and exercise!

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Great job. I also only started in January, I'm a woman though so I'm happy with the 5 lbs I've lost. To be honest I was afraid to get on the scale until the middle of January and found out my weight was higher than I thought so who knows it might have been even higher than that when I really started this all on Jan 1st. So I might have lost more weight. Who knows?

    Who cares though because I'm gonna be doing this a full year to reach my goal weight and this will seem inconsequential by then.

    Yes you are doing great! Men do lose weight faster than women for some reason so it seems that way to me.
  • TerriAnne53
    TerriAnne53 Posts: 197 Member
    You are doing amazing. way to go.
    I started MFP on Jan 6, 2013. so today is my 30 th day. I have lost 16.2 lbs in these 30 days. I still have 73.8 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. I think it is so easy to use and the sucess comes from the tracking of the food, walking and a few other ways I am burning calories. the members are so great, posting with their success stories, motivation and tips. I know I will be here for a long time, not just till I reach my goal, but also when I want to maintain, because MFP is what is making it happen. making one accountable for what goes in our mouths as well as what we do with our bodies to make it health and fit.
    Good luck to everyone.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    my first month on MFP I lost 8.4 LBS. Thats more then I ever have before. From that alone the pain in my hips went away. I started on September 1, 2012. I have lost another 32 LBS since then. I have another 35 to go. My heaviest was 202 (Last March) and now its 150.
  • LiveTheLifeYouWillLove
    I changed me goal weight earlier today, to lose more than I originally thought I could. Sky is the limit!
  • mummabear66
    you are doing brill ...keep up the good work , its encouraging to see how much people ar losing using MFP, recording my intake of food has made me realise i was nibbling when i didnt need too as i was not hungry , and just popping things in my mouth for the sake of it , i have only joined this week but so far i think i am not doing too bad ..people do seem to encourage each other and thats so helpful .
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