concerns related to exercise calories--help?

aesimmons5678 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all!

I posted this as a reply to a long list after the exercise calories link Banks wrote and posted... but I don't think it actually posted there. So I am trying again here in the hopes that someone can help me out a bit.

Ok--- So--- I get the concepts around eating my exercise cals (I'm a newbie as of 2 days ago, BTW). I read the info, which is great! Now I have a few concerns. Let me give a bit of info first. I am on a 1200 cal/day plan. I am a professional dancer and also work out several times a week in some form (power walk, jog, eliptical, wt train...etc.). I am trying to slim down/lean up a bit after a particularly stressful move to NYC put on some unwanted bulk. My goal is to lose 15-20 lbs. I already ate pretty cleanly coming into this, but the site and iphone app have made it easier to track things and realize where I need to fine tune. (My general diet consists of lean meats, fish, chicken (with small amounts of oil)... low fat dairy... 5ish veggie servings daily... 2-3 fruits... and healthy grains.

So-- I am having trouble eating my exercise cals. Typically, i get to the end of my day, after 3 meals and 3-4 snacks, and have 300-450 cals left to consume (after dancing or exercise of some kind). At that point, I have usually met or exceeded my nutrient/carb/protein intake... but not my fat intake because I keep that lower than the recommended amount for medical reasons. I am concerned, after reading all the posted info, that being this far under calorie daily will hamper my ability to lose my weight. I have been working on cutting down my carbs and bringing them back into a good balance. The fat I DO eat is high quality. I am not sure what to add. I know I could add more veggies, but trouble is that I don't feel hungry after meals or through the day. (I think if I add more, I'm going to be over full, which I know is no just uncomfortable, but also not really good for me.) I suspect my lack of cals might be due to my lower fat intake (I generally eat about 1/2 what is recommended in my dairy goals.) But I am concerned about upping this. I've only been on my new plan for a few days, but don't want to set myself up for failure and frustration. I want to be sure i'm doing things right! I have a history of starvation diets in my distant past (unfortunately) and don't want to be in that cycle.... the daily caloric intake I'm not meeting concerns me.

So-- if Banks or anyone else has any good suggestions or advice, bring it!



  • boniekatie
    boniekatie Posts: 147
    Nuts! High calorie density, but very good for you in many ways. Walnuts, almonds, cashews. Yes it is high infat, but it's all good fat and if you go too low fat that can cause problems too. You can always add a few nuts to the dishes you already eat or have a handful as a snack. It doesn't take much to get your calories that way.
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    You can go in a manually shift your calorie percentages. If you do this, you can decrease the calories you get from fat, and increase your proteins and/or carbs. Then shoot for that goal. But keep in mind that mfp has a pretty low fat recommendation to begin with. You'll be okay eating that level.

    Avacados and nuts are good for increasing your fats and getting it in small amounts of food.

    Good luck.
  • aesimmons5678
    aesimmons5678 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks. Still working on it. I think I've been replacing fats in my diet with protein. I've noticed I am over in protein and under in fat daily. (I'm also over in sugar daily, although generally my sugar is a few pieces of fruit and nothing refined.) Higher fat levels (even from "good fats") tend to make my hormone levels imbalanced (leading to all kinds of things for me), which is why I'm hesitant to eat the full fat amounts in mfp. But I'm just going to have to play with levels and see what I can have the best results with. I'm only on day 5, so I'm still figuring it out. Thanks for your suggestions and help!
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    Try adding just a little to every meal. If you have 3 meals, and 3 only need to add 50 cals to each.

    OR Add some natural peanutbutter to your apple or banana.
  • Hmm, that's a toughie! You miight want to consult a nutritionist if you have the resources. My one thought would maybe be to have a glass of skim milk with your meals? (Or soy or almond milk if you don't like cow's milk.) Good luck! I know there are some knowledgable people on these boards, I hope someone will have some good advice for you!
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