not doing too good

i dont feel like im doing good this week at all.... due to the lack of money ive been having to eat foods i dont really want to be eating like french fries and chicken patty sandwiches... ive been trying to watch my portion sizes with that.. but at work ive been snacking a little on the daycare food which is definitely not good.. and to top it all off i havent been sleeping good all week so by the time i get home im dog tired and its hard for me to keep my eyes open by 8 o'clock... so i havent been working out. waahhh tonight im taking 2 melatonin and hoping ill sleep good and im going to start fresh tomorrow hopefully <3


  • brooks124u
    brooks124u Posts: 34 Member
    fight the cravings.take a walk to get some motivation.
  • Hang in there and drink tons of water!!! I go to the gym first thing in the AM otherwise I wont have the energy later in the day....if your schedule allows go in the am it will help keep you motivated all day!!
  • Eating healthy on a budget can be a challenge. If you have some time for prep (or a slow cooker), you can whip up some very inexpensive and healthy meals. Try making some soups, brown rice with lentils or beans, hummus etc. It will definitely be cheaper and healthier than buying fries. Also, don't lose motivation, we all have better weeks and worse weeks! You can try and just take a 30-minute walk before bedtime, it will get you moving a bit and, hopefully, will help you sleep better too.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    At least you have the right atitude about it - just keep plugging ahead and you will succeed - just do not let yourself give in! You can do this!!!
  • thanks for all your inputs yall!! :)
  • A2966
    A2966 Posts: 5 Member
    I heard melatonin was helpful to fall asleep (not staying asleep) and can only be taken for very short periods. If you're tired by 8, why not go to sleep then ? It might be boring but you don't eat while sleeping and it lets your body recuperate when needed.

    For the rest, one day does not a diet make. Keep trying to make the best choices and you will get there.
  • I heard melatonin was helpful to fall asleep (not staying asleep) and can only be taken for very short periods. If you're tired by 8, why not go to sleep then ? It might be boring but you don't eat while sleeping and it lets your body recuperate when needed.

    For the rest, one day does not a diet make. Keep trying to make the best choices and you will get there.

    i havent taken melatonin in a while except last night and i only took one and it didnt work well.. it works good for me usually though thats why im going to try 2 tonight... and i dont go to sleep at 8 but i sure do force myself to stay awake till 9 and im in bed. thank you :)
  • Do not give up. hang in there and if you cannot just remember why you are doing this. remember sometimes fresh carrots are not to expensive so ry that and snack on them. Just because you fell off the wagon do not give up okay.:smile:
  • thanks :)