Not realising Age

I am 43 but still feel mid 20s but when I exercise I just can't keep up with my imaginary age any more..

My son-in-law and I went for a walk/jog/bike ride the other day and he said that for an old man I did well (he is just 20). We walked and warmed up for 2 miles in 30 mins, then jogged for 5 miles in 45 mins, and then rode our heavy/slow mountain bikes for 17 miles in 65 mins. To me this is slow apart from the walk as I could easily (at his age and until I was early 30s) jog/run 5 miles in 30 mins (in 45 mins I would have done 7-8 miles easily) and the bike ride would have taken (on a heavier bike) about 50 mins.

Even with training I can't reach the times I used to as I just get injuries in the form of crampes/pulled/hard painful muscles and aches and pains. My main problem is my calf muscles cramp and tighten up which then stops me from almost walking for days let alone jog. How do I combat this?? Does anyone else get this, and if so if you got over it, how did you do it??
My fitness, stamina and mental focus allows me but my body lets me down.

I guess this is normal but does anyone else suffer the same???


  • rbc_racing
    rbc_racing Posts: 31 Member
    More water should help with your cramping problem, as far as the getting old and slowing down, well I dont think theres much you can do about it. There is a reason the army fit test increases the run time and rep requirements for age, as you get older you will slow down/lose strenght etc. facts of life there. You shouldn't worry and compare yourself to a 20 year olds time anymore, focus more on being the best you can be for your age bracket.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It is hard but as we get older we have to listen to our bodies. I'm just starting to run again at 43 and it's difficult for me. When I was 17, I could run all over the soccer field without getting tired. Now I have to deal with aging (arthritic) joints and make sure I get my proper stretching in. I have to make sure I have a little protein and carb as well as water before I try my runs. The problem is, it's easier for us to get hurt and it takes longer to heal. Don't feel bad that you can't do what you used to. What you're doing is really good.
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    A lot of people don't agree but I really hate getting older ... 46 yesterday. I do a LOT of outdoor activity - running, rock climbing, mountain climbing, cycling. I've always been the long, slow distance kind of person so haven't noticed a significant drop-off in times but I seem to continually strain muscles. I've just taken up road biking and I'm not sure my bike is the best fit nor my body position very good. Does horrible things to my neck and shoulder muscles. This wouldn't happen if I was twenty!!! I do put a lack of joint injuries down to having done light weight training most of my adult life. Because unfortunately one needs to get back down a mountain once at the summit I swear by leg extensions to build muscle around the knee and protect it. Sorry, digressing from calves. No advice I'm afraid only empathy.
    And YES injuries take a horribly long time to get over as we get older - avoid at all cost!!!!
  • lordfrog
    lordfrog Posts: 12
    Thanks for the words and I will take in more water, do more warming up and will try and focus on slower goals. I will also try adjusting my training so I do more shorter jogging distances and more walking at a quicker pace to try and boost the muscles. Its very hard to admit to oneself that age is now a factor in daily life. "your not as young as you used to be" was something older people had to deal with......... Mmmmm. Now thats a thought..
    Thanks again Froggy
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I notice the aging thing every morning: the muscles take a little longer to get moving and when I look in the mirror and see the little bits of gray in my hair and the little "smile wrinkles" around my eyes. :laugh: