weight Watchers



  • SherrysLife2012
    I never said WW didn't work. But I did have to buy EVERYTHING, I got nothing for free except a little 10 page book with some very, very basic information in it, nothing to do with points or how to figure points or how much points is in certain foods. The exact words from the gal who signed me up was......you have to buy the calculator to figure points, since we are out of calculators at this time we are temporarily granting you access to our website so you can figure points there until the calculators come in, you can also buy these books that give points value for a lot of the food/beverages out there, but you really need to purchase a calculator. I do believe WW is owned by different franchises in different states, because at the time WW was running a commercial for $40 a month unlimited internet and meetings, but I was told when I went there that, that was a different state, Michigan was not included in that special.

    TOPS is the best least expensive weight loss group out there in MY opinion and have a lot more rewards than WW. But it all boils down to what works for the individual and aside from TOPS, yes, I agree...comparing WW to other weight loss programs, WW is the best and most reasonable and it does work, if you work it.

  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Sorry, long post ahead....I'm so tired of seeing so much misinformation about Weight Watchers.

    The points system is designed based around your macros - but it provides a simpler way of counting them by using the points. It is the same exact thing as tracking your food on MFP, except you can actually see your macros here.
    It used to be designed for 2 lb per week weight loss, and the new points plus system is designed for slower weight loss. I think that's why a lot of people have been unhapppy with the new points plus system.

    Many people do not fully understand how the new system works - and complain when they don't lose weight - when they are eating 500 calories worth of "free" fruits every single day.

    Weight Watchers does NOT require you to buy anything - books, calculators etc. When you sign up (they have free registration practically all the time) they give you the points book and points finder that you need.

    If you want the accountability of going to a meeting - and having them weigh you, then you will need to pay the weekly fee.
    If you don't care about that, then you don't have to go there or pay them a dime.
    I do think it is important to at least go to the first meeting and learn how the program works and ask your questions - but then you can do it entirely on your own - FOR FREE - if you want to.

    I obviously am a supporter of Weight Watchers because I know that it is 150% effective. I know many people who have kept their weight off for years and years, and I myself have been very very successful with it.

    I've seen many people complain that they gained all of their weight back after "going off Weight Watchers" - but that makes no sense, because it is not something that you "go off of".

    You are supposed to learn how to eat properly - the correct foods to eat - the correct portion sizes, etc. The points system is supposed to help you learn that - if you don't learn that from the program, then that is UP TO YOU to learn or ask your leader about it. They aren't going to sit there like a school and teach you every single thing - they give you the weekly pamphlets if you go to the meetings - and it is UP TO YOU to read them and learn how it works, and how you should be eating!!
    So once you've reached your goal weight, you should know how to keep the weight off because you've learned how to eat properly. If you gain the weight back, it is because you stopped eating right! PERIOD - because Weight Watchers doesn't require you to eat any special foods of theirs - nor does it tell you can't eat certain foods. So people need to stop blaming their weight gain on the program that they "went off of".

    There are MANY people out there who don't understand the concept of BMR and TDEE or don't want to spend the time figuring that stuff out, so the program is designed to simplify things for people.

    Another thing I see is that people say they feel hungry on Weight Watchers or don't have any energy - again - that is their fault. You should be eating your daily points, plus your weekly points allowance, and any activity points you may earn. If you don't do that, you will be eating too low calories - and yes you will feel hungry, have no energy - and probably end up hitting a plateau.
    You need to figure out foods that will help you stay within your points but give you the most nutrition - higher fiber foods help with that. Otherwise, you can end up eating all of your points with higher fat foods and not get enough calories in.

    Also, there is nothing stopping you from increasing your points a little bit to see if that helps with your weight loss. It isn't a 100% exact science, so some people may need a few more points or a few less points in order to have the best weight loss.

    I just wish that people would really try to educate themselves on the Weight Watchers program instead of giving up on it and then telling everybody it doesn't work. If you find counting calories on MFP easier than counting points, that's totally understandable - but it doesn't mean that Weight Watchers doesn't work - maybe it just isn't for you.

    THANK YOU!!!! Seriously I have been yelling that forever.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I never said WW didn't work. But I did have to buy EVERYTHING, I got nothing for free except a little 10 page book with some very, very basic information in it, nothing to do with points or how to figure points or how much points is in certain foods. The exact words from the gal who signed me up was......you have to buy the calculator to figure points, since we are out of calculators at this time we are temporarily granting you access to our website so you can figure points there until the calculators come in, you can also buy these books that give points value for a lot of the food/beverages out there, but you really need to purchase a calculator. I do believe WW is owned by different franchises in different states, because at the time WW was running a commercial for $40 a month unlimited internet and meetings, but I was told when I went there that, that was a different state, Michigan was not included in that special.

    TOPS is the best least expensive weight loss group out there in MY opinion and have a lot more rewards than WW. But it all boils down to what works for the individual and aside from TOPS, yes, I agree...comparing WW to other weight loss programs, WW is the best and most reasonable and it does work, if you work it.


    That is really odd, I never heard of them doing things differently, I just figured WW is WW and it would be the same no matter where you are. I wouldn't pay to join something if they gave me NOTHING to follow the program with - that just doesn't make sense.
    In NJ at least - when you join, they give you this huge package of stuff that you need - you really don't need anything outside of what they give you - everything is else is just option and IMO, unnecessary.
  • deekay8507
    deekay8507 Posts: 41 Member
    I could never lose on WW, to me MFP is easier and free! That being said I know a lot of people who have lost weight on it.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Does anyone on MFP do the weight watcher diet. Im wanting to try but cant bring my self to pay $44 a month.

    Wow that costs allot! It depends on whether you want to go to a group type of thing for support but you could easily do something like that with MFP. I was actually talking about weightwatchers on facebook the other day I was going to try it but then one of my friends told me that MFP is way better that paying someone to weigh me when I could do it myself. I do something similar to weightwatchers here in UK which is slimming world and it has a much better concept with it only you count syns as opposed to points. But I guess the question you have to ask yourself is that you can count points for the rest of your life and I know weightwatchers over here in UK makes a point that you must buy their products as well so while I weighed up the pro's and cons I found that it was just too expensive to follow their programme. You have to find out what works for you so I would say go for one class and find out about the programme and at least you will have the book so you can pretty much work from that! I know quite a few people that have had success rates with weightwatchers but what works for them may not work for you so it would be trial and error to find out what suits your budget and your lifestyle. Good luck though on whatever you decide, take care
  • Sweet_Innocence2011
    I do Weight Watchers. I actually do both. When I noticed my weight loss slowing down with Weight watchers I joined here. I will always go back to Weight watchers. It is a great support system just like this site. Weight watchers is a great program to follow if you follow it. It is a different way of forming habits to improve your life and is a lifestyle change just like mfp. I still go to my Weight watchers meeting and I track online with Weight watchers and here. The one thing that mfp helped with was realizing the extra calories and macros I was getting with the fruits and vegetables.

    I honestly recommend Weight Watchers to everyone that can afford it. People always say I can't justify spending this money on something but than will spend it on things that don't help. I would rather learn to get good eating habits and spend my money having that support from other people who have also been through it than spend it on something that I will regret later.

    I honestly like the combination of the two plans but I always be a Weight Watcher supporter. My mom is the one that says it best probably the only common factor in issues is herself. If she chooses not to follow through with you lifestyle change she has no one to blame but herself. Like any plan if you choose if you choose not to follow it you have no one to blame but yourself.

    Weight Watchers does work the first meeting is free if you are not sure about it try out a meeting and decide from there. I will stay with Weight watchers always just like I will with MFP because it is support.
  • AngieD111
    AngieD111 Posts: 9 Member
    I also have joined WW. My job brought it to us as one of their incentives to encourage a healthier lifestyle. They pay half, so I definitely could not pass up the deal. I have really enjoyed the program. I update my weight on Myfitnesspal every Tuesday when I have my WW weigh ins, and use both WW and Myfitnesspal tools. WW does work for me.
  • stratcat45
    stratcat45 Posts: 48 Member
    I also do Weight Watchers and highly recommend it. I need that group setting for accountability - I cheat if I try to do it all on my own! I can remember a co-worker asking how much it cost. When I said $42.95/month, she said that's not bad when you consider the food cost. I explained that this wasn't Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem, you don't get food; she then asked what exercise equipment they had. I explained none as it wasn't a gym. She then asked what you got for $42.95 a month. I explained the group dynamics, weigh-ins and group support. She told me that for $42.95 a month I could pay her and she'd weigh me and give me diet tips. I asked her how those tips were working for her - she turned and walked away from me - lol!

    Another poster mentioned that in her area she was told she had to buy the Weight Watcher products - that is not true, at least not in my area and it shouldn't be in yours either. You do need to know how the program works, and you do need to be able to calculate points (so you do have to purchase a calculator if you don't have a smart phone or e-tools) but other than that it is not necessary to buy any of their products. I do know when Points Plus came out the calculators sold out fast - but that isn't an issue anymore. If you attend meetings you get the information on how to do the plan, if you do it online you get that information as well. I do not advise that you go in, pay, take what they give you and not stick around to have the leader go over things with you -that doesn't mean you have to attend meetings forever..but if you paid for the month you should stay and learn the program.

    I do think from reading the thread there is some confusion over the book with food points you get when joining. You DO get a small pocket sized book with some basic food point values in it. There is a larger Food Companion book for purchase (most buy it in combination with the dining out guide) - but you do not have to buy the larger book.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I do think from reading the thread there is some confusion over the book with food points you get when joining. You DO get a small pocket sized book with some basic food point values in it. There is a larger Food Companion book for purchase (most buy it in combination with the dining out guide) - but you do not have to buy the larger book.

    Yeah, I've never really had any need to use the food point books at all, when you can just do it online.