Running 1/2 Marathon



  • TastesLikeChicken
    TastesLikeChicken Posts: 32 Member
    I took up running again when I turned 40 after a 20 yr hiatus. Being a bit OCD I set a goal to run a marathon in my first year of running which everything I read advised against it. I made it to 17 miles in my long runs before an overuse injury dashed my chances of making my goal. I did make it in my 2nd year running. I think training to a half in 9 mos is totally possible. Lots of good advice. You don't need to run a ton of miles to get there. I am now 57 and run every other day and do a long run on the weekends. I finished a 1/2 in October and am training for another in April and already signed up for the Rock N Roll St Louis in October again. Stretching, proper rest and good shoes are paramount. You can do it if you want it bad enough. Good luck.
  • Elby0030
    I just had a read about stretching IT bands, but i'm not sure about the foam roller? how do you make use of the foam roller? Is it for stretching?
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
  • jon1289
    jon1289 Posts: 24 Member
    thanks for all the replies, i have just found a local 10km run in a few months so i will enter that and see how it goes. Thanks all !

    Brilliant! Well done! and Good Luck