I'm about to give in...



  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    So I know today is pretty much shot because I'm going to dinner to a mexican place for a frineds birthday tonight. So I logged that and that alone is like 2000 calories so im already wayyyyyyyyyyy over. I went to the gym 5 days this week so far including this morning. I'm getting the mentality that hey today is already shot i might as well eat what ever i want and not worry about it today...ugh I know thats bad but today really is pretty bad. I'm going to the gym tomorrow too so that will make 6 days this week(which was my goal) so i guess im asking..if i do just throw in the towel for today will that like erase my hard work for the week?..well i didnt do very well this week actually with eating but o well. And tomorrow is a new day and I'm getting right back on the horse...

    Sooo yah..I want to know if its okay if i quit for the day lol

    keep in mind I DID GO TO THE GYM THIS MORN!

    I Looked at your diary... It looks that you are off on your calculations. I usually just get a chicken fajita ask for lots of veggies and then I just eat the skillet and the beans I don't eat the shells or anything else. I will eat 12 chips with the salsa. It's a lot less calorie and fat.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Drink lots of water before you go, you won't eat as much...

    But to be honest, you really aren't going to start losing weight and keeping it off until you change your attitude about the weight losss. Its not to be viewed as a "diet" or a "chore" but a life change, you are going to change your life style so that you can be healthy and look great! I didnt start losing weight until I accepted that, and as a result, take for example, I weighed in at 204.8 on tuesday, After working so hard, and viewing it not as a diet, but as a lifestyle change, I weighed in this morning at 202.4.... if you think of it as something impossible, or a pain in the butt, things just wont happen for you long term maybe not even short term.
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    Ya know, I have to say, I disagree with just about everyone's post this time and usually I don't! Go have a blast girl, enjoy the night, celebrate your friend and don't worry about the calories for ONE MEAL. That's all it is. No wonder so many of us fall off the wagon. It's this kind of " I can't have this...EVER" belief system that keeps us from succeeding. I have so many slim friends and without fail, they eat small amounts of delicious food. They stay active and enjoy themselves and occasionally they splurge! And guess what? They STAY slim.. They know how many calories they need to keep going through the day and they stick to it. When one of them wants to lose 3 lbs ( imagine!) they up their workouts and drop their calories for a few weeks untill they are where they want to be. But if I call them and say "it's my birthday and I want to go out for Mexican" they're going to slam that menu hard. They have known for years what we are still struggling to learn. Eat well but eat right, excersize and stay in control of what goes in you. So go have fun, tomorrow's another day. Do an extra 30 minutes of cardio tomorrow and Monday, jack up the weights and you're set! we really can have everything, we just can't have it all the time!
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I am the absolute queen of saying, "well I've already messed up for the day so why not eat (insert all things sweet here)!
    I am changing that though and now I think about how terrible I feel the day after a binge. One reward meal is great, one binge day just isn't worth it, i speak from experience!!
    Not that you're binging but you know what I mean! Enjoy your dinner, you deserve it
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