Did i overdo it?

I started on my new healthy lifestyle around mid summer of last year, and the weight has been coming of pretty steady. The problem is some members of my family (Mom and Dad.) think i over did it. My friends think i look great, but there pretty skinny gals themselves. I personally like the way i look and feel 99% of the time. Sometimes it feels nice being so thin, and other times i wish for more womanly curves, less bones, bigger cup size...ect. Advice>

Height: 5'4
Weight: 104.5
Waist: 25
neck: 11.5
Jean size: 1/0
cup size: 32A:((


  • vickilm1976
    vickilm1976 Posts: 141 Member
    104.5 seems a little light for your height, but if you are happy with the way you look 99% of the time, that sounds pretty good. Is anyone happy about anything 100% of the time? Maybe if you want to be more shapely you could start lifting.
  • shelbystatic
    shelbystatic Posts: 61 Member
    I think this is a question that only you can answer. What matters is if you feel good and feel comfortable in your own skin. There will always be other people to judge you. There will always be someone there to say that you are too big or too small no matter what size you are. Just do you :)
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member

    As for did you over due it (according to your parents) ... it would depend on your bone structure...are you small, medium or large? I am 5'4-3/4" tall and if I weighed 104-1/2 pounds I would look bad because I have a large bone structure. For me I would be happy at 140-150. I am probably a lot older than you as well.

    Those with large breast want smaller breast, those with small breast want larger. I am larger and want a breast reduction. Wish I could give me my 'extra'....LOL

    My advice...learn to love you and your body the way you are now. Your height and measurements sound in the right portion.
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    you're on the low end for your height, but i don't think it's anything dangerous. you've said that YOU feel good, so that's important. are you finding it easy to maintain that weight without getting crazy or obsessive over it? this might just be where your body wants to be right now! you might also want to look at doing some body recomposition, lifting weights is a really good way to change the shape of your body based on your muscle tone. that might help you with some of the curves you miss right now. another option is always to gain 5 pounds or so and see if you feel comfortable at a just slightly higher weight, which would still be well inside of normal for your height. you might feel better being a little bit 'softer' in that way, without going overboard.

    congrats on the loss and good luck with your maintenance journey :)
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    You are young and feel healthy. Go with it and maintain. You will get married and have children, that will give you all curves you ever wanted. Enjoy yourself now.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Have you been to a doctor recently? I would say that would be the first step, to eliminate any potential risks associated with being underweight. Then, start weightlifting! You can start building some curves and filling out the way you want. (Except for the boobie bit- that you either have to accept, put on some weight, or get a boob job).
  • Brokecoffeeaddict
    Brokecoffeeaddict Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the awesome reply guys! i agree with the 100% loving your body comment, and feel a lot better about just maintaining. Yeah i have no trouble keeping up this weight and actually binge once or twice a week on around 3000 calories to keep myself from getting any lighter. Its cray how a few small changes like jogging in the morning and skipping out on soda and alcohol can change everything! I love the way it feels waking up and wiggling my smaller frame around, looking at my hipbones in the mirror...ugh....i DONT want to gain a single pound. but my Mom gets all sad every time i come home for the weekend and makes me promise too. She said she feels like she lost half her daughter (partially becuase she did.) But that half slowed me down and made clothes fit too tight! help?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    At 35 years of age I'd say yes it's a bit too thin but if you're happy and healthy that is what matters.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Your bmi now is under 18, which is technically underweight. To be in normal range I think you'd have to be around 110.

    That being said, every individual is different and if you feel healthy and aren't starving or depriving yourself, and your body is staying at that weight naturally it might be right for you.

    It is something that could be worth asking your doctor about - not worth a special visit but just next time you happen to be in.

    It also depends on your lifestyle... for example if you planned on having kids, you'd probably find it necessary to have more body fat in order to be able to get pregnant. If you plan on playing sports, then you probably need more muscle than that. If you're a runner, you might be the perfect weight.

    Just watch out for any signs from your body that you're underweight (missed periods, cold extremities, getting sick more often, excessive tiredness which can be a symptom of anemia, poor digestion, muscle weakness) because you ARE at risk for those things at your BMI (not saying you will get them, but you are at risk). This would be your body telling you that it needs to weigh more (in particular, that you need more body fat)
  • alexisu96
    alexisu96 Posts: 103 Member
    Wish I had your stats!! I say go with how you feel but be honest with yourself!, ( those with ED also tell themselves they are feeling well). For your height you are very light. I shouldnt talk as you could say to me for my height i am very heavy. I could say to you,you arent eating enough cal/ day. You could say to me I am eating too many.

    Maybe its just an adjustment for your family. What was your starting weight? I could imagine if your were obese this comes as a drastic change for them.

    I am though curious what are your gross/ net cal per day?? Curious what it tales to maintain that.
  • sdumma
    sdumma Posts: 126 Member
    You are young and feel healthy. Go with it and maintain. You will get married and have children, that will give you all curves you ever wanted. Enjoy yourself now.

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You are young and feel healthy. Go with it and maintain. You will get married and have children, that will give you all curves you ever wanted. Enjoy yourself now.


    Why absolutely? At 35 years of age she may not be planning on ever having kids.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Have you been to a doctor recently? I would say that would be the first step, to eliminate any potential risks associated with being underweight. Then, start weightlifting! You can start building some curves and filling out the way you want. (Except for the boobie bit- that you either have to accept, put on some weight, or get a boob job).

    ^^^This times infinity. I agree that it sounds a little bit extreme (I'm 5'5" and GW is 135), but I don't know what your body type is. Your best bet is to ask a doctor.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    You are young and feel healthy. Go with it and maintain. You will get married and have children, that will give you all curves you ever wanted. Enjoy yourself now.


    Why absolutely? At 35 years of age she may not be planning on ever having kids.

    ^^ This. It's a big assumption.

    And I'm with everyone else, if you feel good, truly feel good and healthy, and its right for your body and you arent struggling to maintain it, then what ever works!
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    You like the way you look and feel 99% of the time. Many people cannot say that about themselves. It can be difficult for family members to accept changes we make to ourselves since they have been used to us the way we were. They are probably more concerned about your health because your weight is low enough to be headed into the unhealthy range. But if you are truly healthy then I am extremely happy for you and hope one day I will be able to say the same thing about the way I look and feel.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Do what's best for you. If you want my personal opinion, I'd lift heavy and eat extra calories and try to put on about 5 pounds of lean mass. You'd probably look awesome. But that's only what I'd do. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I only say this because (although I'm not as slim as you) I had a similar feeling of not being sure if I was too skinny or not - I started lifting heavy a few months ago and I've got some nice definition coming in (without any bulking whatsoever). I was happy the way I was before because it's basically the way I've always been, but I'm even happier with the effects of adding some lean mass (and a couple of pounds) to my frame. If you do decide to lift, be sure to add some extra calories to support it. :drinker: