


  • Siniharmaa
    Siniharmaa Posts: 6 Member
    I eat breakfast every day, even though I don't have much time in the morning. Preparing my breakfast takes about 2,5 minutes and eating it takes about 5 minutes - so that's less than 10 minutes and I am done. I eat oatmeal every morning, 1 tbsp olive oil on it and a glass of milk.. I wouldn't be able to go to work without having my breakfast.

    Protein shakes or something similar would also work great if you are in a hurry.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Meal timing does not matter!

    Breakfast does not rev up your metabolism. It does nothing for your metabolism. Many people find it difficult to adhere to their calorie deficit if they eat breakfast. Some people do better when they eat breakfast. It's not mandatory! If you don't want to eat it, don't!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    1) Prepare a fruit salad the night before, Mixed grapes, Apples, Strawberries, Berries etc
    2) Take a yoghurt and bananna/apple in the car
    3) Protein bars/Breakfast bars/Oat bars/Nutri Grain bars
    4) Put weetabix/oats in a tuppa wear add water or milk
    5) Ping a bit of toast with peanut butter and eat on the way
    6) Mixed nuts, with fruit, greeak yoghurt
    7) Protein shakes

    Those tuppa wears are fantastic!!!

    I think Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - I have never missed breakfast!!!
  • jeets888
    jeets888 Posts: 2,237 Member
    Fruit fills my mornings, healthy, nutrituous and helps you cleanse the system - well im no expert but i have no issues with fruit till noon.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    The right kind of breakfast (with enough protein/fat/fibre) is the most important meal FOR ME because when I do it right, I can go a long while feeling satisfied before I have to eat again - I'm not a fan of lunch, and I like to eat most of my calories later in the evening/at night. If I eat a mostly-carbs breakfast or nothing, I tend to want to snack all day long and go over my calories for the day.

    I'm a fan of breakfast quiche muffins, you can make them ahead and they freeze well too. Google for recipes, there's loads of them out there.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I often just eat peanut butter toast (I used Ezekial bread now but I formerly used a high fiber bread).

    I'm one of those people who starts dry heaving after a couple of hours if I don't eat anything when I get up.

    I also like overnight oats made with Greek yogurt, fruit, and almond milk. Search for recipes on here. There's lots, it's portable, and a complete meal (also tastes totally different than regular oatmeal, which I like). You make it ahead of time and just refrigerate it in a mason jar or other portable container.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Breakfast doesn't kickstart your metabolism. Diet induced thermogenesis is based on calories/macros. You'll get the same thermic effect if you eat breakfast at noon instead of 9am.

    If you feel ok without breakfast, then just skip breakfast.

    Yes, the link between breakfast and metabolism is not clearly supported in academic literature. However, many studies suggest positive benefits to eating breakfast in regards to cognition and overall caloric intake throughout the day, or on the hand, negative outcomes from not eating breakfast. If you want more info, there are lots of studies on the National Institutes of Health web site.

    To those who dispute the overall benefits of breakfast, I would like to see a peer-reviewed meta-analysis (aka study of studies) indicating an overall trend in the research that indicates breakfast is not worthwhile. I'm not saying it's not. I'm just saying no one has shown me any study like this yet, and I've been looking specifically for a meta-analysis of literature supporting a de-emphasis on breakfast.
  • bpmartyr
    bpmartyr Posts: 141
    No breakfast for me and I am getting consistently leaner and stronger. Most important meal of the day my *kitten*.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I would like to see a peer-reviewed meta-analysis (aka study of studies) indicating an overall trend in the research that indicates breakfast is not worthwhile. I'm not saying it's not. I'm just saying no one has shown me any study like this yet, and I've been looking specifically for a meta-analysis of literature supporting a de-emphasis on breakfast.

    EDIT: I don't mean to aim this quote at you as a rebuttal, I just want to clarify since you quoted me.

    The only claim I've heard people make (or made myself) regarding breakfast is that it doesn't increase net thermogenesis.

    Strictly from a weight management standpoint, if skipping breakfast allows you greater adherence due to personal preference, and if it allows you an easier time to stay within a reasonable total intake of calories and macronutrients, then I would advise it pending the individual feels and performs okay while doing so.

    This has nothing to do with being anti-breakfast and everything to do with not misleading people into believing that there is a direct weight-loss benefit due to DIT.

    People should really be spending their efforts arranging their meal frequency/timing around preferential and performance metrics and not some totally-untrue rumors they read in a fitness mag.

    When I say "if you feel fine doing so" I include personal preference, satiety, performance, mood, etc.