Weight loss slowing down - anything I can change?

tinkerpooh42 Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss

I started using MFP 4 weeks ago & have lost 8lb so far. My last weigh in was on Monday just gone & I only lost 1lb, I know that it's still a loss & I should be happy but I'm working so hard that it seems a little reward in comparison, especially as I'm only at the beginning of a journey to lose 2 stone 1lb.

I use around 1200 cals per day, I run 3/4 times a week & eat all or most of my exercise calories & usually have 1 blow out per week ie a meal out & a few drinks. The week I only lost 1lb was my healthiest week (I didn't have a blow out)! This makes me think that it does my body good having a curry or something then straight back to it?!

I know there are so many discussions about this sort of thing but I couldn't find the answers I was looking for.

Do you think my 'slow down' is down to my body getting used to my new regime? This is a usual day for me, is there anything I can add/ remove to boost my weight loss again?:

Breakfast (around 300 cals): Allbran, Sultanas, Banana, Semi skimmed milk
Snack (around 100 cals): Fruit or cereal bar
Lunch (around 300 cals): Homemade soup & crackers
Dinner (around 400-500 cals): Varies a lot, I rarely eat the same thing but it usually consist of fish or chicken with veg/ noodles etc.
Snack: (around 100 cals): Weight Watchers cake OR Low calorie biscuits
I drink water regularly throughout the day & only have 1 coffee.

TOTAL: 1200 - 1300 cals minus Exercise calories (3/4 days per week) - Between 1 - 3 mile jog.

Any advise would be most gratefully received.

Many Thanks!


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, I can say it's normally to lose a lot your first few weeks and then see it slow down. This is your body adjusting to your routine. 1 pound is a great loss in a week for someone with only (I peeked at your ticker) like 20-30 pounds to lose. :smile: I'd say, keep doing what you're doing, eating 1200 +exercise calories. Just be sure you're not overestimating your exercise calories or underestimating your portion sizes.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    change up your workout or increase your intensity of workout. Maybe try HIIT training for 1 or 2 of your runs per week. Google HIIT training and you can get more info. I would also add 2 days of resistance training.
    an example of how You could change up your week would be to do 3 days jogging/running ( 1-2 days incorporating HIIT) and 2 days of resistance training. Good luck.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Ditto erickirb on adding some weight training to your routine. The website that helped out the MOST with learning about lifting weights is stumptuous.com. Keep at it, 1 lb. isn't much but it IS progress!
  • sunnysashka
    sunnysashka Posts: 296
    Hi there.
    It is absoulutelly normal to slow down in loosing weight. It even can stop for a litlle bit. Just don't get discouraged and keep doing your great job. It will go down again.
    Another thought. I see that your dinner is the heaviest meal. I do breakfast 500 cal, lunch and dinner 400 and 400. Try to eat proteins for dinnerd and carbs in first half of the day.
    Hope that helps.
  • Way to go! 8 pounds is great. One thing to keep in mind about weight loss is that you have to burn or have a deficit of 3500 calories to lose just one pound! Most likely you were shedding water weight that first week and now your body is getting to the real work of shedding body fat. It helps to lose weight and keep weight off by having muscle mass so incorporating weight training will definitely help you lose faster and long term. Muscle needs more energy to maintain itself so with more muscle mass you will burn more calories at rest than if you didn't have the muscle mass. Hope this helps!

    Good luck!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Try eating your exercise calories :smile:
  • I do
  • Thanks everyone for the advice & support - having people tell you you're doing well is a great boost!

    I'm definately going to look into incorporating weights into my exercise routine. I don't really do Gym's so will look into getting my own weights. Apart from that I'm going to keep at it, nothing will stop me!!

    Thanks again!!
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